Saturday, November 25, 2017

And Miriam Answered Them Sing Ye To The Lord

    Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 11/25//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

Listening To: Be Be, Ce Ce,'s Jingle bell, to Clay Aiken's Don't Save it All, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World,

     And Miriam Answered Them, Sing Ye To The Lord, For He Hath Triumphed Gloriously; The Horse And His Rider Hath He Thrown Into The Sea.

                                                                   Scene XXI

     "No, her being so upset, panting aloud is what woke me up and even then I was more concern that Princess had been asleep on the floor right beside me. Well not actually right beside me, I was on the sofa and she was on the floor next to the sofa, I mean, just imagine that? she woke devastated out of her head and going on about November 4th, what is November, 4th? She just puzzled about, I called out her name, her eyes glassed over as to realize she'd committed some great atrocity even that we had, she went all embarrassed, pulling herself tight and got the hell out of there!You sure that's what she said? Yes, I'll never forget those words, nor that look, like Lease, going from enlightenment then as she'd committed some grave injustice, and did she, well you two? Will you get your head out of the gutter, this is serious, you do Rielder my brother know how serious this is, right? Even that we've not seen her for seven days now, she, Nibe disappeared before, but not Rainman for seven days or more. I don't like, look, okay look, I do remember doing the Aqua reveal there was something about a, ah, that date, that date Cobbleson man and this enormous death toll, just mind bogging impossible, I even remember thinking how could she talk so easily about so many people being dead, especially Americans? You mean Bailey unlike prophet Daniel seeing a great beast, with iron teeth, told to rise up and eat much flesh ,the pending Roman Empire to Kingdom and nation building right now? There is even Apostle John's witness of God' pouring out His wine press alone, Maaseiah's warning right before she, well they were taken from us. It was that God was now avenging martyred blood, meaning no flesh Bail was again safe, get to repentant altars, yeah Cobbleson man, like that. Past me the juice, someone please, you guys notice the food here is way delicious? Another false alarm hey Leash? Yeah, the only good thing is if I don't drop soon, they're threatening to induce my labor, a boy, you named him yet? Taylor, right Ty babe, we're going to name our first son, Taylor, right? Well she was right, though I can't bear to watch the constant news of it, feeling a little guilty that they're there and we're here, and why Ty man is that? I know, Nibe, no, when Ni Be we saw me feeling guilty she remind me God is shepherding all men's death and dying, and having Christ is the single blessedness of it all. I'm just saying I don't know if you all know it, but an advanced or mutated to kill form of a flu like Cholera has broken out among them, so millions more will die. Only Bailey man as of the pale horse judgment that was as well predicted by Maaseiah to follow all of this, Preecest Cecile is right, it's the dream of Grand Maaseiah, seeing those bedeviled this way as to form their hands into a backward letter C of demonstrating it, no more guessing, I guess." Shocking all of them eventually to their feet, even a weighed down mighty with child, Alecia, possibly, this their majesty appearing. "Please everyone pardon this intrusion, there is no need for this, I'm only Princess, please again sit, sit, I come to apologize in case my thesis of misbehavior the other night offended any of you. That Princess would be seven nights ago, so you are counting? Yeah, well, does the offer of marriage still stand? Rielder! What? Just saying what you was thinking, this is my heart, let me alone speak it, okay? Again pardon me, it is that my youngest sister coronation is tonight and I want you all, all of you are invited, the car will come around noon that you may go for a dress of your choice, please, I want you to be there. She, as in Princess Brooklyn Robin has asked that you all be there, so I thank you all in advance, good day, before you, may we talk in private? I fear Preece Tatum I'm with plenty, it's been seven days surely you're to spare just a moment more, sure, ah, yes, of course, come, walk with me. You do know Princess nothing happen, but it did Lord Preece, you just can't see it, I slept in the same room with a male Preece who is not my espousal, from where I stand, that is way, way serious, November 4th, and that Preece is the puzzle I did see, what does it mean? It is as your Preece Rainman revealed, what it meant now that millions are past, millions Preece Tatum missing and millions are threatened. Unthinkable horrors all alone still hinges on Grand Maaseiah, witnessing this date and the tearing into the sky, even through the heavens of a funeral reef. Just this outbreak with mortuary leaving all battling streets and fields littered with the dead even upon the descent of Jesus' Millennium, so I guess Preece Tatum you can say Jesus' Millennium, Reign and thank God for it! Thank you Princess for the invitation, it's more Princess Brooklyn Robin, than it is mine own. To be honest, I think her eyes's heart desire has fallen upon your brother Preece Rielder, just to caution you. What you think, you think he's more ap to marriage? You mean Princess more so than me, his brother, what if Nibe, I just for no particular reason don't want to marry you, or marry period, what then? Surely Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson you haven't of your free will married, at least we're not, or did I miss something? Right, you're right, again please, pardon me, you will be there right, your sister's coronation, you Nibe will be there?. Is that Preece Tatum an invitation of your own, I do so need an escort, are you volunteering your heart or your services so mercifully, could it be both? Good day Measure Cobbleson, good day! What is it, you look all pasty, ghosty, ah, Nibe right now was really proper with me, Nibe is the epitome of proper, no, Rie, scary proper, and I/m not just talking her, but her spirit heart has all changed some how. Hell Cobbleson man that just mean she's grown tired of waiting your answer, she ask me, I'm the next Prince Juttah, I'm just saying. Princess Ni Be We won't ask you or any other and why not, so sure of yourself? Because Rainman her heart doesn't leap out for you or any other, what does that even mean? Exactly Rainman, exactly! See, see you just did it again, ghosting, no, I just realize I got the word 'Friday,' the other night as a word, and here come Nibe to invite us on it's very day. Yeah, what would be America the world black Friday, still keeping up I see, yeah, why not? Because Bailey man we're no longer Americans, Americans no longer exist, even if they ever did, everything such a freaking delusion to illusion from the beginning. I'll be in my room, I know, I freaking know, something Princess Ni Be We said and you just used it to cut my head off, only the truth can do that Bail man, but only to reconcile you, only the truth. And you brother," just as he's to reach the stunning, twirling star case of just another phenomena place, "you better get your act together, it would seem Princess Brooklyn Robin only have heart eyes for you,. for you only. I think I'm gonna be sick, you wanna, kinda wait and at least see her first, because if she's anything like her sister you're get over it really quick. Guys, guys my water just broke and spread everywhere, okay that's a freaky, good thing, right?  I'm not kidding, it just, we gonna have a baby, now guys, right now, I'm so serious!

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