Saturday, November 25, 2017

And You Shall Be Changed, In A Moment, In The Twinkle Of An Eye!

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 11/25//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

Listening To: Be Be, Ce Ce,'s Jingle bell, to Clay Aiken's Don't Save it All, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World,

Blessed Is He That Waiteth And Cometh To The Thousand Three Hundred and Five and Thirty Days, Daniel, 12:12.

                                                           Scene XXIII

     "And I'm Princess telling you that was the word, that just as I opened my eyes I heard in my ear the word, "Gethsemane," though it was familiar, I even thought and, ...betrayed Preece Tatum by a kiss, His own disciple, Judas Iscariot. Just as Jesus described, their, it's last supper, it's meeting as a ceremony that would not again be realized until it has it's fulfillment in heaven, referencing what's come glorification and the marriage supper. Surely God's Kingdom not to be confused with Christ's Millennium, Christ's Millennium will spend up the last thousand years this planet." as one using a ruler for measurement did she have a well designed schematic of a wedding plan, just itching for his intervention. "Seeing six thousand years past, now come it's seventh thousand year of a rest in genuine peace, Jesus' entire healing Millennium, ( Afterwards, as Apostle Peter forewarn, this planet earth will by burning infernos, what was seen of America's White house, even soil, the entire earth will be completely dissolved by fire. An exploding sun, star, atom, no one know, only that God's Kingdom will be greeted not only by a new Jerusalem, but a new mankind. A Newly designed planet heaven and earth and we Preece Tatum Oniel have never since the foundation of this earth been so close to all those prayers, promises and prophecies being totally and completely fulfilled. It is why when Maaseiah first heard of the description of a planetary solar system moving itself right into that existing, this Nibiru of Planet X, immediately she imagined it is what Apostle John did see. It was when he witnessed New Jerusalem descend and now grand Maaseiah, Jesus' Millennium, thus the warning come from Heavens' Bridegroom to beware of alien dangers from above, both Preece Tatum this sweet and this bitter. So that's what Holy Spirit, heaven/s host ment, Maaseiah's reveal, described, how doing a visit there, how they Princess couldn't wait to join her here. Miraculously we paneth after Kingdom Throne just as, Heaven's Host, paneth after Kingdom Earth, now doesn't such innocence make all the sense, ever mankind's Genesis. And without controversy Princess, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory, hallelujah, received up into glory!" Blinking and sniffing away singing new tears, thinking that is indeed what he saw, a number that none could number. Even first Prince Silverton Nichols entire exodus, shooting off like sky rockets, right into the awaiting third heavens. "Grand Maaseiah used to say, 'now the angels have a God, who put on flesh and endured a cross for the man who once was lost,' wow, that's awesome, yeah, Granny was like that. Pray, tell me of Maaseiah's demonstrations of rapture, which one? She had various ones right into ascension for as long as she was Christ's outreach, so we're talking decades. There's her first ever encounter with Him, Jesus, doing a beginning of spring day, all live and the emphasis Preece, is on a live demonstration of what is described in holy scripture as the great gathering of saints. Plus darling Cobbleson, we have a wedding to plan and what you just ask is going to take forever and like I just said we haven't that kind of time.  
Okay, I just now saw when they shot off like sky rockets, but I Princess also saw that once in heaven, there was a cloud, wings you mean? No clouds, but there are some," as one searching the drawer about for another pen, even more paper, dead serious, she was in this hurry, wedding plans were all about them. "I don't know Preece Tatum I heard or read that clouds are really cottony wings as is described all through especially the book of Psalms. Okay, I can see that, relate even, but since I'm telling what I saw, it Nibe was a cloud that grew all the greater and mighty as it captive and cuddled each of us right into it. That even it was for a while we just stayed there, seeing everything the earth, its inhabitants, when soon a nuclear missile come sailing by. Before there was just this eerie silence, and all corners of the earth, three to four were in one way or another fine, sunshine to storms and just as soon as I described, a nuclear missiles come gliding through. My sister's description Tatum of a perfect wedding, is to have me and me alone, de, what is it? I don't know if you notice, but each time I call you Nibe, you in turn call me Tatum, so did you, notice? And of course Preece Tatum with your input design it and how fabulous, did you just hear anything I said? Yes, it sent me wondering was that Holy Spirits to grand Maaseiah's description of a Noah's cousin, the yellowstone eruption? Even that the sun, it's mightiest solar flare ever this world's history, or was it Nibiru, pending with a New Jerusalem settling in, or the ever suspected, warn, EMP? Again grand Maaseiah, three headed to four, two times a Godzilla monster she described of it, I guess it doesn't matter, because she warn and warn they were all coming and now sadly Preece Tatum, they have." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. Ah, or should the apple trees go here, my god I'm gonna need plenty of erasers, only Preece Tatum that was before she heard in her ear, Noah's cousin, sadly meaning as an extinction level event, so earth ending. My Christ, you are planning my brothers wedding, how do I Nibe begin to wrap my head around that? Another phenomenon that has happen, while it's my sister's wedding as well, so have you talked to her and I mean really talked to her? I could Tatum ask you the same, he called me Darius Prince, doing, ah, ah, whatever that was last night, just transforming this or that, beyond clarification. He ah, he called me Darius, Prince, well don't forget we will all one day serve God's New kingdom earth, walk, talk, labor, as kings and queens all about it. Now, have you talked to your brother and I mean, really talked to him? Touche, I get it, yeah, your uncertainty isn't his, nor his, yours, they felled instantly in love, I heard, their hearts, minds and past dreams though now come new, was all in unison. So I guess, there's nothing whatsoever to worry about, except this, wasn't yours an art major, in design, ah landscape design? So Preece Tatum if so I know if anyone can help me, you, well please help me, what, my request caused you to be so cast down? How do I dare Princess count the various ways of saying huh, of even beginning to answer that question? No doubt Preece Tatum, when Sia Meshullam Kadesh described you as Prince Darius you automatically thought he was sealing our fate as husband and wife. I admit, I don't get it, it is only your speaking tongue away, right on it's tip, but you just remain dumb and dumber because of it. Please, excuse me, no doubt I'll apologize later, ah God, Jesus please," watching a furious with him and should be furious with him, Princess Ni Be we, flee away from him. He had to admit, he was thinking, asking, for how long this time and how would he dare bare her absence come all the more harder to bare? "Lord, why wasn't I just captured up, leave all my troubles behind? {{{'It wasn't time}}}, frightfully thinking as the days of Jesus, he heard a voice, from heaven, but with a storm moving in, so was it just as well, thunder? Suddenly remembering Apostle John being in heaven, thinking his earthbound ministry and thus pilgrimage this earth, was over, done, when he heard a voice, telling him no, he had many kingdoms, nations, tongues and people to minister too. Well John, if you can hear me from heaven, I just want to say, after seeing and experiencing what I did last night, I know exactly how you then felt. "Hey, talking to yourself, you wanted to see me brother, talk to me? That before Preece Riedler could get it out, his neck, chest were instantly filled with his sorely weeping big brother, and what was he do about it? "Please tell me brother, though you're welcome to my neck, this pleasure, tell me these squabbles are squabbles of joy? I don't think I know anymore," breaking away free, soon distracted along a herd of Zebra's easily seen passing along so safely, trusting, right through them. "I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, asking her is like right here Rie, just like that damn song, right on the tip of my tongue, no doubt this cursive heart of my mine. Asking her? Princess asked ages ago, she only need your agreement, look as I was being told to come to you, just as so I was commissioned to summon you to Darius' chamber. So bother, it would seem his majesty, ah god Rie I'm not in the right mood for that, that's okay, my hand is on your shoulder. You've held my shoulder plenty of times in the face of uncertainty, now to return the favor, okay, okay. Now I'm not joking, who the hell are you and where is my brother, Riedler? Cute, come brother, walk this way, Princess Brooklyn seem to think there is a solution, such as a double wedding. Just imagine us two getting hitched at the same exact time, we could even become one the other of uncles to our children, what? Ah nothing, that guy up there, he looked so familiar, could it be him? I guess it could be, but how is that? I witnessed him rise out of it well look at me, I'm here, and I, earth to Cobbleson and you have the audacity to wonder about me, really? Sorry, something really unspeakable is happening, now what were you saying? A Double wedding, what you think? I'm thinking if Princess Brooklyn Robin suggested that then she doesn't know her sister Princess Ni Be we very well, okay, okay. It was instead my ideal, hum, not surprised, yeah well you think you're smart though, apparently you lil bro didn't hear me just now, it's right on the tip of my tongue. So not at all smart, not at all, that's not ignorance man, that's downright cowardice, ah, like you know, I know Cobbleson man if a Juttah Princess Bride ask you to marry, you marry!" Why speak in parables, for they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth." Beware, Apb, The RAM,        


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