Saturday, November 25, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving All Comers Of Repentance, Merrily, Heavenly Christmas

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 11/20//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

    Listening To: Be Be, Ce Ce,'s Jingle bell, to Clay Aiken's Don't Save it All, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World,

      -As To Be Inundated With SunShiney Days, When It Is From Such Beaming, A Catastrophe Upon The earth Is Come

      -A Siege Upon All Kingdom and Nation Building Assuredly As Gabriel 2004, Mention A Seventh Angel, A Warning To All Souls, Escape Continuance Into America !    

    -For The Horse Of Pharaoh Went In With His Chariots And With His Horsemen Into The Sea, And The Lord Brought Again The Waters Of The Sea Upon Them; But The Children Of Israel Went On Dry Land In The Midst Of The Sea, Exodus, 15

                                             Scene XXVIII

     -Happy Thanksgiving, All Corners Of Repentance, Merry, Heavenly Christmas, Saints of The Most High God, Joy To The World 

     "Yeah but only by this highly visited water cooler as Maaseiah's reveal describes it, here comes a great maze of the lost and unrepentant. Even at a time showing rest-rooms as traps being laid for children and even before there was the slow motion exodus. Then a time prior the world of civilization being portrayed as a loan of an artificial, leopard skin coat, visited bed and bath, mighty costly. Though only in the way all of it distracted from Jesus' promise to come among them as stealthy as a thief, only this time, as has happened, to steal the Bride right from under them. Hey, hey, couldn't we say Maaseiah turn to parables, as everything given her was given in an opaque setting? The darken mirror, the veil, the world come all twilight and oblivious from the fall, then if that's not bad enough, the curse of strong delusions above it all. Yeah, yeah, but not just her, remember the book of Revelation is mysterious to so many, for thousands of years they just don't get it and don't forget what early prophets were made to see, The various allegories, especially the prophet Ezekiel, there's the exception, God's reflection, doing a mirror image of Maaseiah, His Mighty Throne with it's back turn at us. All you all demonstrating His Promise to not hear us, see us, nor handle us, that's not except abominable, detestable, now infested with beast lives, lands and churches, and churches you guys, repent. So what is this, repent? Well Psalm 51, where King David himself is pouring it out of his heart, his own personal wilderness of sinning against God, when he make it clear, It is Nibe, that the sacrifices of God, those only acceptable to Him, are a broken heart, a broken and contrite spirit, you understand? Only Maaseiah, shaped them into two yet curious, acceptable exodus', either God's Trump Jesus or America's Truexit, she said of it, Trump. 
Yes, well of course, you are describing those mightily in love, God, like all of us, want those mighty in love with us, closest to us. The chances of them perverting it, is slim, as you would say, ah, not at all probable that they forfeit it's tender vows, I guess. Wow, I don't know about yall, but I love the way she, ah Nibewe just put that, yes, I'm reminded of Ephesian 4:15-16, said to be Maaseiah's favorite, and I quote, {"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even ChristFrom whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love}. Giving further clarity to Jesus appointing the two great commandments of love, except you walk and waddle in forgiveness and love, pound all nation building into plow shears, you're condemned already. I mean look at America right now, they've but watched another episode of a well prophesied escape, this time from a Noah's cousin, something especially the Us west pacific, Just as warn all these years and now that the work is done, this come need for exodus of all of its territories is clear. Especially the warning of the little miya girl in the car, then you combined that with Maaseiah's dreams of Dunlap street. As so lately, St. Elmo Street, the bringer of death from beneath the earth, all these clear composites that apocalypse is come and Camden man come. Knowing this, especially these thirty years right into what Maaseiah described as a second by second countdown, unfair to mention I know. But great and small professionals of every scientific category national and international, gave them warning, well us, gave us warning after warning. Then Maaseiah witnessed  and warn only days prior how it was all in the kitchen sink this wash, yet tens of millions died upon impact. Millions are dying right now, and millions missing and as a parody of their mockery, the Bride is missing just as simultaneously as they are. Again, little brother, just as Maaseiah warn, no doubt caught as the days of Noah, because their, our, our answer to both Apostle Peter's and Maaseiah's question. Asking, knowing extinction levels, one after another are upon you, are upon us, yeah, you guys, remember when she got that dream about that word puzzle? A word puzzle?" All snuggled in close to the fire, there were so many all around, it was as though the stars missing from the sky had descended down, That they were burning all around this amazing grace of warmth, for as far as the eyes could see, the earth was filled with refugees the same as these. "She described looking into a play upon a word puzzle, the word now Nibe being moved all around until it come to rest aside the word Judgment, as in Judgment Now. When only a few days later, again this word now, decorated of blinking lights of caution, so knowing this, what do you do? Do as the earther's of Noah's day taunt and mock the messenger, curse God, go on as in the days of Noah, Lot and Moses as all is normal and ignore for the last time this gigantic image of awareness. Then the list you guys goes on and on and on, it would take a lifetime to give prior awareness to some six thousand years of outreaching the woman seed of righteousness upon this planet. We all know this, this exodus, this bitter to sweet evidence, plus I'm sure the Princess here,  has had and heard enough. I rather enjoyed it, love hearing about this Maaseiah, yeah, just remember, she'll tell you as John the Baptist did, it was when religious leaders come asking him, he told them he was not the one, but had come only to pave the way for his arrival. Surely seen lately by Maaseiah come in the form of Jesus' having healing wings, it's glorious millennium now descending, well, goodnight all, would you Cobberson show a Princess this mercy, walk with her to her tent? Sure, I'll be right back, what's your hurry, we don't leave until tomorrow noon? I can't help but wonder Cobbleson will Zimbabwe's skies be blacken out as well, is this what Apostle John saw and Sia, Grand Maaseiah, when they saw that the heavens were no more, rolled back like a scroll, you know, she saw it as well. I knew it, I knew Princess you knew more than you let on. I can honestly tell you, I've loved Jesus since my mother's womb, possible as of it and have followed grand Maaseiah since, right into the first marriage worshipers, and please, just call me Nibe. Tatum, I'm Tatum Oniel Cobbleson, that is a beautiful name, I want to say, could you Tatum ever consider marrying, ah, marrying me? Please I beg you, just consider it until we're stretched all across these seas and I'm introducing you all to the Majesties of Bulawayo. It is then, only then, can you give me this answer, thank you, surely as they say, chivalry Tatum isn't dead, goodnight, good night Nibe, pleasant dreams."  A Door Was Open In Maaseiah's African Juttah, "No Preece Ebonee, it is being said she plunked him from a beach, one of many stranded it's areas completely desolated by Sia Maaseiah's 99 bowls of molten lava, and she's bringing him here. So guess whose coming to dinner, he and five of his friends? And it seem I can't get dressed fast enough, calm down, come here, sit for a moment, breath by love, breath, such is already decided. The fact that our daughter is alright is one miracle, she is a light among men for Christ, she walks in revelation, this young man. This Preece, must really be something if he capture Nibewe's impossible heart, well just wait until you hear this, she has already asked him, asked him? Moving into the mirror, fixing his tie, an older, brighter if possible, fatherly Preece Ebonee, the first of the Marriage worshippers deliverer, father, it's Sia Darius. "Your Daughter Prince Ni Be we has already asked young man for his hand in matrimony and what did the young lad say? Say, are you serious, did you not just hear me? I did, you said Nibe is returning not only with a guess but a fiancee, only that remain to be seen, she disallowed him from saying yes, until he meet us. My girl, I can't believe how calm you are, I thought our outrage combined, together we would've birth other children, now themselves sitting this sixty by forty of a dining table. I'm curious, you're stunning, just let me Ebonee, get that tie, why love those exact measures? It was something Mother Maaseiah said, years ago, a dream about a dinner table, sixty by forty, I even remember dad teasing how that wasn't very large. you my queen bee look astonishing as well, I hope we haven't overdone it, as to overstate ourselves. No, your daughter was very specific, they'll looking to meet the Majesties of Bulawayo, please dress accordingly, why Zimbabwe? She doesn't know, only that when asked, it was first to pop in her head, a Zim, thus Zimbabwe, I'm afraid having little knowledge it's inundated with breaking news right now. Do you Darius Lord care to wager what he will say, I have only a question first, have you meet Princes Ni Be w e Conswella, Isabella Kroff? Seeing Lord Darius that I have, I agree, all bets are off, lead me as you will, at least five courses to six, and then a fabulous dessert, Sir, Madame Darius Kroff, you are  now with guess, please follow, please come into expert feasting.     >>>"That's just it Nibe, sweet to bitter, bitter to sweet I was there. I was there crying, laughing with them as they all made mockery of everything Maaseiah or any other leader saying the same, did warn, get out, escape! I was also there to see their heart, this laughingstock themselves, they were terrified about what was about to happen, I guess you can say we'd played follow the leader a little too long. Now, the only vibe we were getting from them, though terrified themselves was to shelter in place verse's everything Maaseiah had been warning all of our lives into it's very second, now a Moses day exodus. What is it, why are you suddenly so distraught? Why is my spirit so suddenly cast down within me? Is it Tatum Oniel Cobbleson because I feel the horror of knowing the answer to my question, will you marry me? Why would you ask something so sacred of me? You don't even, what, know you? Little Tutum did you and those laughing as you said, making mockery know Maaseiah nor could they even contemplate she was the Bride manifested in the flesh. I have traveled this world since I was a child," coming, easing close, a seat, the swing aside him, casting teary eyes skyward, a totally different sky indeed, so bright, so amazing. "Looking for a suitor, it was only when I heard your voice and my heart leaped out, that I decided, that for all eternity, is the way I must have it. "Wow, my princess daughter," see, hearing them clearly, as to fall  upon the bed, his tie in hand, right along one by one, the removal of his shoes, was mother Preecest, Karsiann doing the same, undressing only to dress for the evening. "Ni Be we, how will he ever Mother Preecest, say no to that? How incredible, so incredible, would I ever Nibe counter that? Counter what? I only Preece Lord told you my heart, what does yours say, may I ask? May I Nibe, instead ask, it's, it's my friends, of course, they must miss you, but first Princess of Bulawayo, great is the mystery of godliness indeed, this place. This indescribable scenery is so breath taking, the sky, moon, stars in all of their fullness yet visit you, look I'm not to disappoint you," striking her dampen cheek along a fold of her darling face upon his hand, black beauty surely she was, a heart in love with Tatum Oniel Cobbleson chosen it's husband, now so golden. "I despise it's fit and feature of you, I, I Tatum Oniel understand and I will pardon you to your friend's bidding, I will join you when it is time, I sweet Princes will look to see you then. Is he Darius Preece to drag this indecision her heart, right along with it? Sadly darling, it is the trial she has chosen, there's nothing to be done but share in its prayer, faith and so soon come song and dance, you are certain I see. I'm just longing Mother Preecest to admit, he is the perfect heart of her, and she it's mistress, I still can't believe she found him, the worse of men's greatest fear-factor. The worse of their era. just as the seventh angel readies, it's sounding trumpet, yes but one Preece husband could still say, perfect timing, true, true as well."  Why Speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, beware, Apb, see more here,

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