Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Twilight, Mystery Of America, The Revelation, The Light Of Christ's Cross

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 11/30//2017 

All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer 

 -Listening To: Pentatonix, Mary Did You Know?, to Clay Aiken's, O Holy Night, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World, 

Blessed Is He That Waiteth And Cometh To The Thousand Three Hundred and Five and Thirty Days, Daniel, 12:12.

Prophecy Links

     -Made to see stampeding people my street, 'Spring Morning,' as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, all come together and just started walking further south eastward, see more here and here,

 The Exodus Of Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool  

-The last episode of Flash, before Crisis on Earth X, was for me, it's best this 4th season, I told my grandson Caden, whose 8, The Flash is back. I saw the trailer for this episode, Crisis on earth X, only it was to begin with an episode of Supergirl, I steered away from this series, of the rumor it features a gay, lesbian couple. I'd at one time done the same with The Flash, just stop watching because of it's homosexual couple, planned same sex marriage, just this foolish manner of going no without God, all. That soon dissipated, and though there's Joe (Jesse L. Martin, said to be a gay male himself), and his in live in girlfriend, Cecile (Danielle Nicolet), I again felt safe to watch. I know how this gonna sound, but loving Sci-Fy, Super hero's, family and natural romance, 'The Flash,' is the only TV series I watch, with an episode of DC Legend's stirred in every now and then, but I guess that's over as well.

-I so wanted to watch this episode of Supergirl featuring part one of its 'Crisis on earth X episode, I debated and debated how I didn't want to chance any viewing of any material advocating sexual abnormality. Especially, what is warn Roman 1, the man leaving the natural use of the woman, nor the woman leaving the natural use of the man, antiGod, Christ and the Genesis Marriage. I can only guess as to rally these exploits on and surely for rating purposes, it is still heartbreaking that so many networks. As so TV series are dancing to the music of the legalization of same sex marriage; as to put off dealing with the pied piper demanding the costliest of payments this planet and not even the Avengers, the Justice League to DC's Legend can solve it, the forfeiture of one's immortal soul.
-Admittedly, I chanced it, it was looking to be a really good episode, they'd styled Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris' (Candice Patton), wedding all into it, such a lovely set up, so again and no I'm not homophobic. It's just that being born again, Holy Spirits see, hear and feel, as to participate in whatever I, or Christ's Anointed does. No doubt it's why King David cried that God not see his sins, and why Apostle John heard God cry, He both see and calculates men's sins, and will judge them accordingly, even double. So because I Love Him, love you all, I don't do anything purposely to offend Him, ah, Elohim, nor anyone else, doubtfully, I chance it, and what to my wondering eyes and heart do appear? Two women fiercely going at it, I could've kick myself into Kingdom come for chancing it, thankfully with Jesus' Millennium already appearing, God's Kingdom come is not that very far off.
-To say the least, I was flabbergasted, first I turn my head and I stopped viewing, I didn't even continue the series into The Flash, I couldn't, wouldn't, chance it, won't, not again. Thank God it's almost Christmas and time for warm Pureflix/Hallmark/BET Christmas movies, yeahhh! Just how serious is sexual abnormalities, ah, fornication? You want me to tell you that it, sexual sins lead to the genocide of everything that hath breath this planet in Noah's day, Noah's flood? That equally, God's wrath changing not right into His at this very hour winepress, we're talking a threat late 2017 of a Noah's Cousin, so again. extinction level and earthbending, ending. That the one time scripture shows Jesus having wrath, frightfully it is regarding the whorish ways of the fornicator, the one sin that desecrates the very temple of God, the body. So when Jesus said destroy this temple, sexual sin your Supreme Court, surely said, allow me, this is where Jesus' warth threatens to throw it's advocators into a bed, a sick bed of immense agony and torment.
-To as well cast it's followers into great tribulation, further meaning the righteous won't be here, actually can't be here, as they're bidden to marriage supper and all that. Though just as Prophet Isaiah foretold, they're taken out of the evil to come, happening now, Jesus being here, the Bride is placed on this second by second countdown, blink and you'll miss it. As in the word 'Now," given as a blinking light of caution so as in, right now, so except they, you repent, that all sinners, presidential to peasant repent, they instead perish. Whereas all the more horrid, Jesus' wrath equally threaten to kill all fornicator's children, their perverted offspring with death, so need I say more? It, sexual sin and regarding The Flash, as so all other TV episodes to Movies to movements, that especially empresses what to God are abominations, the attempted genocide of the Genesis Human Being upon children, As so teens and young adults, upon the Genesis Marriage period.
-It's, this is the Elohim God, I found crying uncontrollably behind a silence in heaven, how His People are dying, how they're being stripped of everything Jesus Christ has brought them. How He. Elohim, will in turn strip their leaders, their advocators as in the day they were born, naked and bare. I witnessed late 2017, that the Lamb's Book of life was open, a song, "we exalt thee played remarkably, all around the Throne of heaven, believe Apostle, names have been taken. Certain persons as the days of Ezekiel 9, have been marked for life, death God only knows, a divine, overwhelming census said and done. As so commanded reapers, bearing swordlike syringes are sent out, I've seen and testified of them. You're all then left with one action, having your own cross to bear, it is by the sunlight of God, a mountain God's throne, crying "let my people go," you have been released unto a decision as days of the garden of Gethsemane, get it, get Jesus and get (ascend) out of it! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

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