Thursday, December 14, 2017

September 23rd, Revelation 12 Sign, The Herald Of Ancient Beast Reign, Woe, Woe Woe

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 12/14//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

     -Listening To: Ne-yo, my Fav, this year season, I Want To Come Home For Christmas, Pentatonix, Mary Did You Know?, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World,

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17

  The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Christian Cro Artelon and Camilla Sha'ron Viceroy was born a son, Spirit River Artelon, a son Armid Petra Artelon and a daughter, Rosemary Rebecca Viceroy

-And It Came To Pass, As Aaron Spake Unto The Whole Congregation Of The Children Of Israel, That They Looked Toward The Wilderness, And, Behold, The Glory Of The Lord Appeared In The Cloud.
                                                       Scene XXXIII

10:53 to 7:10, seven minutes before cataclysms hit US soil and the bride is counted, along this sudden outbreak of mortuary of tens of millions either dead, dying or missing

     -September 23rd, Revelation 12 Sign, The Herald Of Ancient Beast Reign, Woe, Woe Woe

    "No, no, no son, man has his plans and God has His and they're at great odds one with the other, well I'm all packed and ready to go, good Armid son, soon we'll join your mother, sister and your wives. Though Spirit son, as I was saying, that is because like Sia Maaseiah, they won't, well, they can't, cautious, I don't want to make it seem that these thousands of thousands of years of righteously harvesting the earth. That it has been all for nothing, even if John's witnessed of this incalculable number, every kingdom, nation, tongue proves laborers value not vanity. Still, still the both of you, not until they look at it all as they're living in the spirit world, you see in the spirit world, as of Obama's America's, Presidency, timetable into Britain's Cameron's Brexit. It is for months now 2017, the church age, the bride is no more, is heard no more in their midst, just as simultaneously neither is America and Western rule this world is now, even of a small significance, so because of this supposedly new era of no more America. That of Bush's being found a new fear-factor, just as we heard Abbas summoned eight of them, the ten heads of mostly islamic rule, as of the two beast of Revelation 13. It is one from land, one from sea, come back into prediction Obama's, as so their complete fruition, doing Trumps, evenly why Sia Maaseiah sons, deem these pressed days to hours, ancient beast regn. I brought the truck around, I'll start taking bags down, not yet Armid, hear this son, hear, even that the September 23rd, Revelation 12 sign, event hearld it, them, these long awaited beast and Apostle John hear a cry, 'loose the four (fallen), angels bound in the great river euphrates,' their fullness of time now come. So now, only when you look at Kingdom to Nation building and these unthinkable reveals to biblical fulfillment are what you're seeing, you're always until death and judgment gonna find yourself lost, confused and frustrated right along a huge maze of indescribable abominations, your own elephants of denial. So, and though elephants of unaware are stampeding, remarkably unattainable yes, it is because tens of millions US to Western soil this world are dead, dying or missing, frightfully this number also includes the Church-bride. So ironically as Holy Spirits would have it, a curse of their procrastination, the Bride being capture out is now a conspiracy theorist liken to a well predicted Asian invasion. This further mean God's Throne, it's vast armies into the vastness of Heaven's Host, all attention is now turn toward Israel, at Palestine, at Arabia, at the final seven years of Daniel's little horns' rise to finally and always do away with the Jews and millions of others. Apparently, America is no more, Western rule flatten, tossed in the wind of change, Israel is now catering to the will of its Arab neighbors having his name Hamath my two sons, just as prophesied. Sadly with them all thinking, this is now their turn, their moment this entire planet to shine, their's to instead by their god, their Muhammad lord, even Israel's lord now come, these two now one, and you hear Jesus warning. This cry is to all of Abraham's lineage, in number like the stars, "I come in my father's name and you have not received me, another shall come in his own name, and him shall you receive." Again boys, without Westen Rule, such broken tables of stone, this bringer of world peace looking through a panoramic scope of this sorely suffering world, darkly. Only to go on and on like now with battlefields of securing worthless charities, lives, lands and churches and they all had their filled of horrible people rooted and grounded in such bloody, boundless treasures. Only presently it is their's, America's terrors being looked upon with such disdain, now it is America, what happens to her, no one any longer cares just as long as they can benefit from it, this reaping of evil sworn. Ah how the tables turn, oh what a great lessons of selfdom both the Untied States and United Nations have taught this bleeding for worthlessness, world. I mean look at them right now, as they scramble and scramble for those protective mountains, tons and tons of prep and bitcoins, chit, chattering their greedy pockets, right along this weight of blood guilt of stampeding geniuses, then you hear just as Sia's Maaseiah ear, fret not thyself because of evil doers, for the lord knoweth the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly shall perish. This is why spiritually, yet spiritually all you can hear of it is a command God's throne, that America and  Britain be separated as of King Nebuchadnezzar's to Sia Maaseiah's stone. Surely at her witness lately of it having the surface of a meteor, commanded to destroy all western sin, cut them into itty, bitty pieces, it s cries. Wipe Canada from the map, synchronize Israel alone Jacob's end time troubles, kill all parents by, finish all schools, as so, get ye to repentant alters, not only sons is God avenging martyred blood, something branded a Noah's Cousin, extinction level and earth ending along with commanded reapers bearing swords now targets your any to every d-day now. So the word now, as a blinking light of caution, right into the pressed hour, images like judgment now, Jacob, Meteor fills the air, with a descriptive like 'horrible,' pluck right out of the written work. Then there's the forewarnings like Dunlap street Barack, Michelle and the little Miya girl, so three times over, as so there's the little Miya girl of apocalypse, their cars, times four, as of  blessed escape only a nano-second apart, a nano-second, a measure if any of one second passing into another, yes, there. Lest I forget, there are stampeding elephants in our midst, of precious loved ones lost in the climactic struggle just before Trump verification of Jerusalem, at his, at their, at Western Rule own demise, but as a Judas to a John, it's just as all time would have. Now as prophesied, this lead into Armageddon and all world nations to fowls in the heavens are commanded to come and come against her until like it's once ally America, Westworld, nothing but the smallest morsel is left and they're stampeding elephants, this wilderness of twilight, these dirt paths themselves. Only these truths sons to biblical revelations are held to be actual, biblical, the moment Jesus for mankind, the Lamb of God, at the voice of a Trumpet crying come up here, open God's Revelations to the Apostle John view, declaring blessed are the hearers and doers of this prophecy, for the time is at hand is biting and biting right at speedy heel of you, of come sacrificial exodus, treasures now in heaven. Joy to the world, let the earth recieve it's King, Prophet Zechriah said, it shall be a day neither light nor dark, but at evening, but at evening time, it shall as the Sunlight Of God, hallejuah my sons, hallejuah, now let's get to our Juttah Heir flight." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, be aware as God, Himself, get it, get Jesus and get (ascend), out of it, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

     -From the Christmas Carol of America's Desolations By Blood Guilt, to The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot, Into A Grown UP Christmas Wish, All The Trumps, see here,

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