Tuesday, December 5, 2017

For Those Who Come To Him, Jesus, Know, Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please Elohim,

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 12/05//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

     -Listening To: Ne-yo, my Fav, this year season, I Want To Come Home For Christmas,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku0-n7Tqldc Pentatonix, Mary Did You Know? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifCWN5pJGIE, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATqL4_8A_yc

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17

  The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

     -Unto Salvadore Constantine Armature and Channing Paris Cartwright was born a son Gaelic Aaliyah Armature a son Paden Stefan Armature and a daughter Jasmine Kalee Cartwright

    -For The Horse Of Pharaoh Went In With His Chariots And With His Horsemen Into The Sea, And The Lord Brought Again The Waters Of The Sea Upon Them; But The Children Of Israel Went On Dry Land In The Midst Of The Sea, Exodus, 15

                                                              Scene XIX

     -"Then there she goes again, pardon," a tall, stunning gentlemen, too expert for words, stood, come rushing happily, exactly along a shake of his hand, a matter as well, so strange. It is just I am anxious Preece Cobbleson to meet the man that my Sister Princess Ni Be we, has chosen. I'm Prince Darius, Meshullam Kadesh, you are Preece Tatum, Prince, Darius Tatum, I'm sorry, if you marry, ah, would you sit and have a spot of tea with me? It is perhaps I can iron out that so puzzling you, that Prince Juttah, ah, Darius, well if you're to say miracle, surely they're welcome, no? Yes, certainty, why, why have your sister chosen me? Come, sit with me, please, I will, good, let me show you it's way.  When I stand here in the midst of all these people, great and small, young and old, the wisest of God ever this planet, I, I can't help but ask, am I and Princess Juttah already married and I just don't realize it? You ask this question with much disdain, it is Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson that you yet don't know it is that Elohim who has suffered the ruin of men disobedience. It is what? These thousands of years even to the point as to chance the forfeiture of His Own active Will? Looking past him, actually not able to help it, where they sat, instead of people, all manner animal used as both a past and pasture, how pleasant. "Didn't know what I was thinking I guess, I was watching the beginning of this movie Preece, Prince Darius that come on by mistake as I searched for another. Soon it's the Jerusalem wailing wall, when just as so three of the primary religious leaders were summoned into it, a Rabbi, a Priest and an Imam and I just sat momentarily to consider it. I then Lord considered the Rabbi, a religious leader who represent a multitude of parishioners who believe in God, but not that Jesus is God's formation of their own Christ. Whereas equally, there is the Priest who shepherds a great flock, surely those Sia Maaseiah said, who actually drove the nails into Elohim, it is Darius Juttah. Well they have a faith in both God and Christ, but worship another, the creature, born sin herself, Mother Mary.  Then there was the Imam, over seeing the religion of Islam, like Israel, they believed in their father, Abraham's God, even that it's Christ, Jesus could've had some significance as a great prophet, but they, Islam too worship another, again the creature over the creator, a Muhammad. It was then I thought as never before that I mightily realized something they are the unholy trinity this planet earth, Catholicism, Judaism and Islam and God's creation indeed perish from a lack of knowing or ever comprehending this reveal as blessed truth. No doubt Preece, even Darius Tatum, that abomination which possesses, perverts and seizes the Genesis man, who by droves are damned by these wicked devices, penetrating as to possess their hearts. It is so when Maaseiah stood before these mountains in heaven and watch as a sunlight of God did emerge itself from among them and did speak, "let my people do." He, the Sunlight of God the Prophet Malachi called HIM, summoned His arrival, was talking to all world leaders, it's parishioners. Those held in merry hostage to this unholy trinity as you foretold since the days of the forbidden fruit and a world of  it lost in disobedience and uncertainty. Though now Preece Tatum Oniel they're as of the Sunlight of God commands they're set free from them by a number immeasurable, so it is by Christ's Cross  they remember, they return, they repent, as of God's will, is it not Preece Cobbleson, is it not?" Why speak in parables, for they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth,  be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, www.invasionofpeace2017.com

 And There Was Great Celebrations In Heaven

     -And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:     ...Now imagine just as Apostle John. it all suddenly go still, silent, only for this Apostle, just as so you again hear, it is God and He's crying, he's sobbing uncontrollably, until you two began to sob, you too begin to cry. the you hear, "my people are dying dying and they're being stripped of everything my Christ has brought me, my people are dying, dying and they're being stripped of everything my Christ has brought them, behold I will strip their leaders and leave them as in day they were born." Then soon a Holy One approach you, and he says "he want to see you and you say, ask, who? And he says, Him," and the next you know you're standing before a Mountain in heaven, God's throne, from which an illumination like the sun emerges and say, even as the days of Moses' let my people go." see more here, Rev. 19, 20, Apb, The RAM

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