Monday, January 1, 2018

Jesus Millennium, Invasion Of Peace On Earth, Let Healing And Rest, Reign

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 1/1/2018
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Preparing The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

Listening To, we exalt Thee,, we exalt thee,, we exalt thee,

Prophecy Link

-I looked into a dream, 2005, I witnessed America and Britain going their separate ways, when just as soon I heard a cry in my ear, and I quote, "America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty pieces," they'd laid the world dead in more ways than one, so where did they think they were now going? (New world order, United States, United Nations, All, Rule, Ever This Planet, Reaping What's Sown, Great Judgments Now Come.

The Little Miya Girl Of Apocalypse Our Procrastinating Escape Vehicles, Indeed

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

God, Will Not Have Us Ignorant, Except A Man Be Born Again, He Can't Comprehend Nor Ascend

-Hello Donna, for this answer you would have to go back or turn back to that pinnacle, as portrayed in Matthew. 24, where Jesus and his disciples sit, admiring the building of the temple and Jesus warn them to let no man (or an angel from heaven), deceive them. A day would come whereas there wouldn't be one stone left upon another, then suddenly they ask Him, what shall be the end of the world and the sign of His coming? Remember, having some recollection of Jesus' Return is one of the gifts of being anointed upon by holy spirits, right here, only you have to consider, when Jesus say such. He isn't only referencing Jerusalem's temple, but He, now that He's come to set all captivity free of beggarly elements, crying aloud "come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden," He's referencing, just as the Sunlight behind God's Throne cries, 'let my people go." It is to forewarn all religious formations there ever was or there ever would be, such control of God's people is no more, of which was commanded lately, that's all mass assembly, to simply fall in love with God, meaning, get ye to Jesus Christ, Cross or perish, all!
-Just as so, the end as we now know it, wasn't as yet, and Jesus will explain just this outbreak of troubles that will proceed His much desired return, instead it was the Angel Gabriel 2004, who verified, now is that time, the fulfillment of all things is come upon mankind.These revelations of truth is what Jesus is explaining to the forbidden, Samaritan woman Jacob's well, how a day would come, such a day had come, which locale to worship God would be a thing of the past, that God is a spirit and those who worship HIM, worship HIM in spirit and truth, Thus Jesus' lesson, that one must be born again, for Abba Father seek the worship of redeemed men, now HIS Holy Temple. Simply the apostle Paul said, for they being ignorant (rebellious), of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. How it is then for this cause God shall send them strong delusions, that they should believe a lie, (delusions into damnation, seeming why God's righteousness come to the lukewarm by formations of parables and belighedness of looking through a mirror darkly). 
     -Only now to make this short, as Jesus says this, "there shall not be left one stone upon another,' I need you go back to the Prophet Daniel, his 4h chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar is having a night terror, He's given an extensive dream whereas he sees a stone cut out without hands fall from heaven and crush to bits and pieces a giant image of a statue. One that is made up of every precious to insignificant element this planet, so from gold to clay and each element powerful to weak is to represent one Kingdom nation along one era of world rule this entire planet for thousands of years into this very second. The head of gold being His own, his Babylon, though it doesn't matter, though US elections doesn't matter, they never have, he, this King of all kings just witnessed it all be smashed to dust and taken off by the wind. I like to say whose fan is in Jesus' hand, the one they love to hate the most, even his Anointed

And I heard in My hearing, smiling faces (religious to political promises), don't last, wipe Canada from the map, "

-King Nebuchadnezzar did see further that reigning instead is an eternal kingdom of the Ancient of days, and all men, world leaders are made null and void because of it, made angry, beast, heathen as at present raging all around, up, down, prowling upon men's destruction. Little did I know, when I, 2003, doing Bush wars witnessed a huge container fall on Saddam Hussein and declare him injured, that he wouldn't recover. I, well we were basically seeing the same thing regarding present day kingdom and nation building Evenly how soon we would enter into a dream of immense validation, where I looked and witnessed America, Britain go separate ways, when I heard a voice in my ear cry out, "America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty pieces," you see, as of this Babylonian King of kings witness of the Stone and the statue. As I shared above, I both witnessed and heard something similar regarding Canada, not only did I witnessed Canadians be lead about like cattle, I heard a command that it, Canada, be wiped from the map.

-You see, though this huge container felled on Hussein as to finish him only in what? Five years, as I, Apostle THEY call me, prophesied, we not only had a Hussein Whitehouse, this word rule. We not only had it for a consecutive two weeks and seven years into a pending Cameron's Brexit, Trump's Truexit, so an end to west rule. This is the administration whose leader as Senator was declared "the one," with much concern who rose with two carnivorous beast, one from land, one from sea seen tearing through all of what men hold dear, just as Apostle John did see and testify as of in Revelation 13. Still I asked only a few days ago, what do we have in Barack, Hussein Obama, seeing I further witnessed 2016, Jesus millennium descend into an Obama Hussein world reign? Just who Donna are we revisiting, a Moses exodus to deliverer come America's or a Muhammad of Shariah law come men's worse slaughter?
-I with concern must pause here and share something really pulling at me, I know, what could be that much more concerning? Ah, the 2001, Intrepid Dream Timetable, that was finished, fifteen years, ten months and forty days as of October and November 2017. Possibly explaining why it is one day after Thanksgiving, it's November 25th, so thirty days before it's Christmas holiday, it was when said time table was awarded a Matrix of ten day counts. President Trump's declaration of Jerusalem, December 6th, was ten days into this new assessment, as so Abbas summoning eight heads and they soon taking a vote to end such foolishness of elevating Jerusalem. I'm betting this vote was ten days still into this countdown, don't be alarmed, it is as of Obama's administration as a stage being set for the last seven years of Daniel's prophecies, Daniel 9-12 chapters.
-It is him, Daniel for his people being awarded 70 weeks of years into a finale concerning Israel's blood reconciliation, that is Christ' Cross, stalled by the man in linen right into Barack Hussein's allowance of two weeks and seven years left. Though as well spent right into this one week of years of Daniel's, of beast/antichrist reign now pending Trump's administration, all again as testified Daniel's 9-12th chapters, Apostle's John, Revelation, 11-19th chapters, see also Ezekiel's 38, 39th chapters. Lest I forget, a night or so, leading up to Trump's Jerusalem announcement, I had a dream, in the dream with a hand on Carter, (see President Carter's Jerusalem), while crossing the street (Apostle, Obama's dunlap street), a stampede of elephants erupted into chaos all around, and Carter was lost in the great scuffled. Understand, this ten day count is most concerning, Jesus gives a promise about ten days of troubles, if endured is then awarded a crown of righteousness,
-You see the Intrepid Dream of America's blood guilt being weighed and found wanting, as so being awarded a sentence along an outbreak of cataclysms and the bride was snatch out just as simultaneously and heard no more at all in them. That such as 99 bowls of molten lava, as so a Noah's cousin and 190 years was suddenly gone out of it, right along with death tolls in the tens of millions, all yet pending along each and every ten day count. Which is why North Korea threatening and America armed against them, with China and Russia pending that they instead stand an ally to the Korean peninsula, America, even Britain. As so West Rule, fate of being ground into itty, pieces is no longer the delay, not only is this why 2015, pending tribulation saints were seen arriving southeast just as the Bride was taken skyward,. Its why as the days of Ezekiel 5, 9, commanded reapers are at you for procrastinating escape, why the little miya girl of come apocalypse stay your stubborn exit.
-For thirty-one springs this ministry America has always been one manner of evacuation to exodus, why 2016 elections was called as such. It's even why the woman bearing black bowls stumbled into a conversation with me (western rule decline), and instead made an offer of better homeless shelters, that are surely mansions in heaven, there is no good shepherd, blessed death, no other safe-haven, other then blessed resurrection. As I testified, doing Gabriel's visit, and I so regretted seeing him, that God was still going to such great to greater feats of redemption, toward millions refusing to listen, but so mysteriously sacrificial is love, right?
-Though I little understood it then, Gabriel's mission would give us more clarity of what it was King Nebuchadnezzar saw, and Daniel interpreted, just as so what it was Jesus was now testifying to his inquiring disciples, meaning even the wailing wall is in dispute of Jesus' prophecy of no stone left upon another. As so Donna of what it was I actually saw, when I witnessed this huge container fall on Saddam Hussein, (Islamic/Antichrist Reign), and what it was I as well witnessed when the heavens were open and the Bride was not only reigning there but making ready King Nebuchadnezzar's witness of a handless stone, falling and crushing to dust, all things rebelling men.
- The Angel Gabriel 2004ad-534bc, had come to warn all world leaders this planet, great and small, with ancient beast reign would come the mightiest and most demonic influencing of such leaders ever or ever before so much so that even the righteous could be deceived. Though beware, come also is the seventh angel and the moment it sounds, without further delay, the kingdoms of men would become the Kingdoms of God and his Christ and THEY would reign forever. Plainly explanations of why it is Jesus' Glorious Millennium was pictured as to descend into Obama's, as in Hussein, the last, final world rule this planet, Islamic to Antichrist. All for better clarity, the world outcry that a Hussein reign, as has been predestined only as the beginning to the end of the age of reigning men.
-Such reveal is why an alike fury as the days of Ezekiel's witness of the rise of Gog and Magog (the antichrist armies) was now being cast at a Trump/Pence campaign ticket. Apparently we weren't looking to America further it's elevation but it's well prophesied decline to complete deletion as a world order along nuclear threats and more. Herein knowing and regretting what we know, now we understand why Trump's inauguration was allied with the deaths of some fighty million persons, totally making him, western rule, as gog, hamon-gog, God's/Jesus' enemy. Just as what was said, 2002, of those four continents to nations seen in a block, Asia, America, Japan and Russia, all as a group of world leaders whose tug of nuclear war was described, as those causing the lost of tens of millions, a slaughter of the innocent I saw protrayed oddly.
-It is as a funeral reef attached to handlebars once disallowed of China and Russia, 2003, so predominantly western rule, it's weight of transgressions all soaring straight into the heavens with the mightiest of death toll ever; whereas each ten day count fate us to this extinction level event. Now you see this is why Apostle THEY call me, tell you, every time they, our nation's leaders stand before the world with one declaration of war after another, people all around the world just fall down and die. Only, now come US soil, this reaping of blood baths, sown, just an outbreak of mortuary pending any and every d-day now. Whereas Donna, I heard in my hearing, July 2017, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, then you hear Jesus cry, except those days shall be shorten, no flesh shall be saved, pray the father, Jesus also said, you're found worthy to escape, herein all saints of the most high God, stand, stay your ready, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM

PS, An Invasion Of War Or Peace?

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