Tuesday, September 18, 2018

He Which Testifieth These Things Saith, Surely I Come Quickly. Amen. Even So, Come, Lord Jesus

     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Silverton Nicholas Chow and Torrance Allegra Lattern, 

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17

     -Starring: Sia Christian Cro Artelon and Sia Camilla Denise Aretlon, , Sia Spirit River Artelon and Sia Nicholas Edin Coogan and Sia Tiffany Ann (Sia Maaseiah), Coogan, Sia Sioux Noel DeBurk and Sia, Dr, Adam, Eve Lynn Deburk,  Sia Arise Apache Arrow Deburk and Sia Sura Danielle Deburk   

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

     -Unto Dayson Peak Deburk and Robin Jaybird Longknife was born their first son Arise Sioux Noel Deburk, their second son Standing Apache Arrow, Mohawk Deburk, their third son Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk, their fourth son Marked Tree Hill Deburk, their fifth son Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk, their sixth son Lion Wolf Paw Deburk, their seventh son Medicine Bow Sign Deburk, and their last son Bronze Coten Field Deburk and a daughter Nesting Jaguar, Brave Heart Longknife

 ...He Which Testifieth These Things Saith, Surely I Come Quickly. Amen. Even So, Come, Lord Jesus...

                                         Scene XVII And VII

     "That just it Spirit you know exactly what this mean, like King Nebuchadnezzar all of a sudden God just brought America, west rule over this nation and this world to a screeching, even a screaming halt. As in just like that and they're all scrambling around with their heads virtually cut off trying to figure how to, some would say, out box or fox. How to Spirit out maneuver this God of all war before they even  imagined, scenarios, as to deal with all abominable men, kingdoms and nations all these millennial there ever was. When we're told by the herald of the seventh angel in revelation 11, the kingdoms of men Spirit have become the Kingdoms of God and His Christ and they shall reign forever. This is on the precipice of Jesus being appointed to the religious leaders of his day, then when they crucified him until three days be fulfilled. The pending early church and the worst assault to insult to them all, Jesus resurrection, the giving of the Holy Spirit and the Spiritual conversion of religious leaders mighty prosecutor of the early church, Saul of Tarsus into the Apostle Paul. Ah my God Spirit there is then no question this is the end, the Juttah Septennial, the Bride taken off to marriage suppers, ..well Maaseiah did say the perfect man Jesus the first of the year did ask her, would the angels ascend with the bride? With some rumoring they had to be right there by a vast number then inferring this inquiry, right there with her, then ever oddly this unthinkable intuition come only while she was staring down the dangerous, perfect man. An indigenous African male, with blue to green eyes, they looked identical, though this inquiry stomped her, it verified him, as the Christ, as the perfect man Jesus. Just think of it, the earth no longer with the divine intervention all these millennia into this very second of holy angel. So the same Gabriel that appeared to Daniel, to both parents of John the Baptist and the would be carrier of God's own son, a young teenage Mary, this was all Gabriel, his appearances could go back as far as the Noah, you know. Apparently Cros, Camilla, here he was appearing to Sia Maaseiah explicating for the final time, the fulfilment of all things is upon mankind, she's coming, going with a seventh angel. Only Christian Cross, verifying what is being forewarn by the sounding of a seventh angel, Revelation 10, God's promise to all righteous prophets, their prophecies would not return to him void; that even Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and in him is no fail or stalemate. Though Daniel has been told to conceal, though, John had been told to reveal, Sia Maaseiah was now being told by Angel Gabriel to fulfill for the generation is at hand, ...only when the seventh angel as Gabriel forewarn come for her. What else? But he's with further the forewarning and mightily, mightily so, now we know why, with tens of millions of people to die so suddenly, no further delays. No more doomsday passovers pending, so whose time Spirit had ran plum out, the planned these recent, many decades seizure had began, there was nothing now but disasters for relocation, all the more mega disasters for stampeding to said relocation and soon an extinction level event, targeting a number of them for complete removal. After these seven crippling years are finished, then come Jesus millennium and the judgement of the nation decision of which of them will reign with him. But west rule will only be represented by Jesus' heir lifted up, out of them; America Spirit even as we sit this breakfast table, Camilla, you and I, is no more this planet earth. Still out of all forewarnings, tell me how lifted up and flabbergasted beyond all them were you Spirit about Sia Maaseiah receiving Dan.4:4 but first the single number 7? I mean what a slap in the face even of, well especially of Trump's 717 in Trillions spending bill alone, ..well to be honest Cross, there was the experience. The earth shaking, quaking and breaking of the stampeding of elephants of staying unaware, in the dream having an artistic Carter by the hand, no doubt a revisit to calmer, peacemaking days instead of go into such warmongering; they were crossing this street hand in hand when all of a suddenly this mighty earth changing ruckus of elephants rushing by, along a shadowy, wilderness path.  Earth changing, I know Spirit, I know and the earth vomiting itself out by volcano eruptions and imploding itself by record earthquakes, to the point the two time Godzilla monsters. These fire dragon below Yellowstone are awake, they're just not saying it, people gonna have to judge for themselves, there is no prepping for it, but to get your little Miya girl of post and present apocalypse, staying automobiles and get out of there while you yet have time. Just now Spirit, when you was describing Maaseiah having a hand of an artistic Carter, ....you do know, that was on the first matrix ten day count right, the elephants stampeding instead of the people fleeing as Jesus warn from the beginning. Hear him now US soil, for when you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate, Bush's Saddam, Obama's Gaddafi, and now Trump, Israel's Assad and Abbas with, with Cros, Abbas threatening his eight, as in the final ten heads, from which the little Horn wil rise. Yeah Spirit with Obama rising along that particular scripture, Rev. 13, ...all Cross, still around the first and second Matrix ten day count, as to revisit, it's alike 1st to 2nd, Revelation chapters. I , I don't understand you two, Matrix ten day count? Yes, it extends to Sia Maaseiah first by an intrepid dream car dream Christmas eve, day, 2001, she witnessed America weigh station of it's weight of blood guilt. Yeah Milla all things treasured this planet including all people have upon it a weight of martyred blood, either by Christ's Cross, a holy judgement or by it's rejection, an unholy, judgement. So when the harvester of the earth is told to thrust in it's sickle and reap, all the earth is to surrender it's weight of blood guilt pretty much by surrendering their own blood. It's like rewinding to the part of Jesus' crucifixion not only when he said, destroy this temple and in three days it will be rebuild; not only when he said, there will not be left one stone left upon another; not even when he explained to Governor Pilate those delivering him had committed the greatest offense; but when a very concern governor Pilate, did everything within his power to get Jesus released, then in a very public place Cros, washed his hands of Jesus's blood, and the mostly Jewish crowd cried out, then his blood be upon and our children. The next you hear being said to a great harvester with sickle in hand, Sia Maaseiah said she saw upon the earth 2018, only months passed, and it's being told him to thrust in his sickle reap. Frightfully, that's the 175 miles of martyred blood, some say mixed with water but a certain measurement many times the horses bridle. Then this command say, for the time has come for you to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ready, ...so sister Camilla, when sia Maaseiah heard the second anniversary of the moving either to Georgia or Heaven dream; "get ye to repentant altars God is reaping martyred blood. Thus was this identical forewarning, the harvester of the earth would thrust in his sickle into America and West rule and exactly fifty million persons it's weight of blood guilt would die, sadly many as suddenly as those of Noah's day ...now Milla being deemed a Noah's cousin, the earth consumed instead of a flood. Remember, God kinda retired ending the world by a flood, after Noah's earth. But how Spirit, how do you know that exact number? Sadly and amazingly sis Camilla because Holy Spirits been whispering that exact death toll in Sia Maaseiah's ear, since Bush's 2002, even doing Obama showed it as a funeral reef that leaped from a paperboy bike's handlebars. Handlebars sis, that were once doing Bush 2002 shown to be treated with axis grease as to disallow China and Russia, so now an out of control. You can say Frankenstein monster of a petrodollar death toll that leaps, tears and soar Milla right into heaven's ceiling with it. So Spirit while you was explaining Sia Maaseiah having a handle on an Artistic Carter expressed days of peacemaking gone, I heard in my hearing, blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God. Only now Cros, Trump has gnawed off every hand out, cut off every bridge, proudly squandered every source of international allegiance. That's until America, West rule are exactly where forewarning 1998, that's twenty years past said it would be, as the days of King Zedekiah being upon a judgment, a made victorious by God himself, King Nebuchadnezzar. His deadliest army of the Chaldeans predicted to throw down it's people and take all of Judah's cities as to burn them with fire and that's only one of Sia Maaseiah's dreams showing America being totally consumed by fire. Only Mill with Sia Maaseiah as to revisit again, the 2015 moving to Georgia or heaven dream, so months before California burning out of control, in the March 13-16, 2018 dream, so an 11th, Matrix, as to revisit, Rev. 11. In the dream she's inviting all US states of pending barbecue instead into Georgia again before the Bride is taken skyward. I get it, and burn your cities with fire, so US and Western soil are in Noah day troubles, only instead of destroying it all by a world flood, it's to all be consumed by fire, like as the movie Knowing.  It's portrayals of scriptures 2 Pet. 3:11, I Cor. 12,  I Thess 4 and I Cor. 15' Only Spirit, the children taken out of the way by a stunning diamond carved, crystal chariot are actually the Saints of God world wide. Yes Milla, because we know from forewarnings long past, the only children escaping at this time are those anointed to escape by blessed overseers of them, and not only by their parents, but others overseeing them. I like sis Milla the way you broke down the movie Knowing, not only by Apostle Peter's forewarning, this entire planet shall be consumed, as in being replenish by fire; but how the rest of the story needing a little clarification mirrored other holy scriptures. Howbeit, if the estimated time of escape portrayed Mill the panel of the out of the sunlight, blocking out the heavens, diamond carved, crystal dove, of a chariot. Come to swoop us all off to the Lamb's marriage supper and better homeless shelters as mansions in heaven, if this is the September 23-25/26 2018 escape and there's Milla all the evidence that it is, we're only like what, a week or so away, Which again Spirit adds credence to the precise moment Maaseiah received that warning how for exactly seven years, no doubt Daniel final week of years; West Rule, Mystery Babylon America only to a point of no return is going suddenly, completely offline. Did you read it, how long was the duration of time between the warning given Babylon's king of king and the, it's activation? First you have to remember these times, Western Rule have been in endtime prophecy Rev. 17 and 18 since Obama's two weeks and seven years timetable ended, the last of 2015, to the beginning of 2016, explaining again why Sia Maaseiah then witnessed Jesus Millennial cut off, as not to enter, the next, the final week of Daniel, now you two let me catch my breath. But to answer you, I don't know the duration between the warning and the act, you wanna Spirit let's go and see? Let's look Cros and see before I speed off so I can meet up with my lovely wife, ...so as we read, as of his spoken rebellion still, within that hour, the thing prophesied come upon him, a revisited Cros, Mystery Babylon's fate Rev. 18, Matrx 18, God saying for in one hour is they judgement come, lso the fulfillment of the beast taking control Spirit of world leaders, ...yes, yes, one hour with the beast, that Sia Maaseiah heard in her hearing only minutes into the Jan. 13, 2018, whose day would go and be the Hawaii Missile alert. Wow, wow, wow, Sia Maaseiah did say it was the speed, 2001, by which centuries of technology was just gone that so amazed, eventually, 2017, seeing it all in the kitchen sink as one is to wash dishes, an abrupt lost she saw Milla of 190 years and 40 days. And Spirit forty days? I know but Sia Maaseiah say she didn't understand it completely either when she first got it, she knew to divide the 190 lbs alone months, as of Rev. 11, and Rev. 13, and when Obama's was awarded two weeks and seven years she knew she was on the right track. Well she understood the 190 dated back to Eze. 4, a total he suffered in days, but Milla represented years, so like I said she understood months, but she's only calculated part of this count, when it's two sided, one 190 years and the other, 40 years, so when she a time later added the forty days to the 190 months total instead of October 10, this inclusion took the toll of US/Wester soil weigh of blood guilt, doomsday come, into late November and when on Thanksgiving to Black Friday 2017, come the Matrix ten day countdown she again knew her calculations were right, ...what an unthinkable seeing ministry she has.  ...yeah like, them, ah there's, some of the greatest men and women ever gifted. What, please pray and tell, is the odd man walking up to Sia Maaseiah expectantly and asking her what are the secrets of Memphis? Please dear brother Christian Cros tell me, tell me you know the answer to this sizeable quiz of a question?"  Brother, Thou knowest? Nooooo, no, no, don't answer my question with a question, ...calm down, I wasn't, Sia Maaseiah said, that should've been her response, like in the book of Rev. 7, hum what's a Matrix 7 and what happen doing it's days? Maybe a clue, anyway, when John saw the vast, vast multitude and he was asked who are they and from whence they come? John answered back with a question, sir thou knowest? While Cros doth thou knowest? Yeah Cros, doeth thou Knowest? No, no more than Sia Maaseiah, but go back to when she first laid eyes on Senator Obama, June, July 2008, that you must remember, so prior to his presidency and receiving the two weeks and seven year remainder of the man in linen, Daniel 12, timetable ...hum, Dan, 12, let's see Rev. 12; As in Cros the Revelation 12 sign, not realized as a sign in our planetary body for seven, thousands, years, so predating the Adam, that the moving either to Georgia or Heaven, ETE for the Bride will be a year anniversary of, you mean that Rev. 12? Okay Mr. Smarty pants, what's the 12th Matrix, what happen on it's date, well if March 13th 2018 invitation from US states of barbecue into Georgia or heaven. Which itself Cross has a two fold meaning, that's into heaven as into Jesus, or into heaven the fulfillment of the funeral reef? But if that was the 11th Matrix, then March 23-26 2018, was a 12th Matrix and I'm, literally frozen in place what might have happen then, ...me too Spirit River, me too,  ...then Spirit, even Milla we need to know what happened on that date. Okay let's use the comey and see what happen days March 23rd?  Here it is, A 1.7 trillion spending bill, Bolton, Hamas, Russia, China, all members of end time fulfillment, all mention for one reason or another, not good, not at all, three of the nations Sia Maaseiah, 2003, same in a block and no long after that Cros, she witnessed Israel fall to an enemy by the name of hamath, any doubt, as in Hamas? Just how much time brother Spirit do you spend studying Sia Maaseiah's reveal? I don't just study them, I've cateologed them into, well one day people will be able to visted a clever arrangement of Sia Maaseiah reveals, I have help, the Paris Globe, Apache Arrow idea. I only asked one question, but I have to admit I don't want to, but when you said, while Sia Maaseiah was looking at Senator Obama before she heard the words, he is the one. This was about July 27-29, 2008, the blood moon July 27, 2018 hanging over biblical territorial was it's tenth anniversary. So when you Cros said that, I like rewind to Jan. 13-15, 2018, to her then Cros, looking at an identical, dangerous, perfect man, well was she then receiving further verification of who this man actually is? Indigenous to africa, meaning non white, but blue to green eyes, so acquainted to being part European; still, what do we know Spirit about Sia Maaseiah's various dreams which include Obama and Memphis, then Memphis what, Egypt or Tennessee, it's new Madrid most historic fault lines? What concern me about Memphis TN, is that it sit Cros upon the one fault line this nation that has ever produced 8 plus size earthquakes now, now with a 10.2 earthquake pending as of a fractured since predicted to go viral 2015, the West Pacific plate, ring of fire. So,  Memphis now, it's area Dunlap street where Sia Maaseiah experienced the first of America's exodus and has experienced three consecutive earth ending to world altering dreams,. One as of Pres, Obama being on Memphis, Dunlap Street, two, as of Michelle Obama being on Memphis Dunlap street and as to retrieve the little Miya girl of post to present apocalypse as so from Dunlap Street. Possibly you two, retrieving her into the same car later found stranded aside of the road, this Syed Farook no longer, nore anyone else the driver, like all present time passed, Daniel seventieth week finale. Suddenly it a translation and Sia Maaseiah is now the stranded passenger only with a little Miya girl sitting it's back seat. Whereas soon, a recovered Sia Maaseiah and little Miya are on their way and come across a toll booth crossing for a toll of two quarters this earth; a huge toll in the billions no doubt, including the tens of millions lost US, Western soil. Surmounting troubles, recently as Jan. 2018, seventh angel said, are now, as in right now, as desolations come ...look, I got to go, ah, right before Pres. Trump took office, Sia Maaseiah also witnessed Jesus Millennium descend into those receptive of him, a Michelle and Barack Obama. 

She also saw this was for a lost of 15% US/Western soil alone which frightfully you two kinda calculates into the tens of millions she heard since Bush's wars predicted dead, even witnessed, 2016 as Jesus Millennium descended their bodies being shewn all over the place, look, we done talked tears into streaming down my sister Camilla face. Fret not Holy Spirit told Sia Maaseiah as of the release of the death rider from beneath the earth, trust, delight and commit, and if you haven't read her invasion of peace on earth reveal, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com then you should. there a debate going on. I believe it's Jesus, the Bride and all the armies of heaven in Archangel Michael's marshal arriving as in the Prince of Peace reign, see, talk to you guys later, god bless, speed, all that and brother Cros, you're not off easy, you still avoided the most concerning answer to the question, what's the secret of Memphis, and, and I wonder who was doing the asking? Right, right, didn't think of that later you guys, later," as one talking back as he speed off away, "we'll have students, nuptials and prenuptials pouring into the Artelon house in only a few weeks, Sia and I have so much work still, keep the prayers going up for us! When is that girl gonna realize her work is here with her husband, but who am I to talk, right? You want help with the dishes? No, I'm not gonna hear Mrs. Marta fussing, I'll just stack them over here for her, where you off too hurriedly? To Mill make those inquiries of various Matrix dates, you coming? Ah yeah, you two got my need to know more meter up there, way up there, you said Maaseiah wished she'd answered the question about Memphis with a question, can't she still? Well right now she really believe it's Obama, like Moses torn between two persons, a deliverer of the people this earth or a destroyer of the people of this earth, his garden of gethsemane of indecision. Wouldn't Jesus descending into Michelle and Barack Obama after seeing them each one at a time on Memphis Dunlap street, even Memphis Egypt, hum, just thought of that, doesn't that solve it, who they really are? No, because Jesus still could be descending into him, as of the antichrist seven year finale, though Maaseiah did see, there was no friction between them, so there's still uncertainty there. Then whether he come Maaseiah's long waited, prophesied these evacuating Americans; we're talking over thirty years, African born, heir national to international. That's Mill like a Moses day deliverer, as of a Moses day exodus US, Western soil, until then, then one can only assume he's apostate of the Christian fate. Whereas he's more a Muhammad, as of Islam who want to instead rid the world of all blessed saints and the Jews of the Jewish Savior who hath them all. Have you Cros paid much attention how much the word Septennial, as in the Juttah Brides escape is in likeness to the word September, as what could be the righteous bride, escape? I must say beloved wife I have, I truly have but never research it, ...well is there any likeness in their meaning, so you never researched it? And that unknowing has made me a bit anxious, even suspicious, I know the word Septennial mean recurring every seven years. I'm telling you wife, if after 30 plus years of Sia Maaseiah's prophetic parables, the word September mean anything the like, ...well make sure you faint onto soft carpets, ...what, what does it mean? I'll just read it, September comes from the Latin root septem-, meaning, seven because in the original Roman republican calendar September was the seventh month of the year rather than the ninth. Ah god, ah my god, that mean Sia Maaseiah's pretend along what come prophetic parables was all along predicting a Latin Septem, Bride, and America's, Brexit. Therefore beloved Camilla giving more credence to the Jesus husband, as unto a Lot and family witnessed escaping some loved ones into Georgia before taking the Bride skyward; both world changing, ending events happen simultaneously.  Ahhhhh, I could kick myself forever and forever for not knowing those two words both represent the number 7, now possibly a 9th month bride escape, I bet you Mill not even Sia Maaseiah nor your brother in law Spirit River know this. I'm gonna get them both on the comey right now, you see what happen March 13 and 23 2018, we know it's Jan. 13, 2018 was into predicted 2015 disaster Hawaii and what happen September 23rd 2017 besides the Rev. 12, twelve sign I wonder? {{ "Spirit, hey glad you answered, guess what Mill and I just figured after thirty plus years? No, no, no, as of Milla's inquiry, what the words Septennial and September have in likeness? I knew it, you never thought about it either, they both represent the number seven, Sia Maaseiah just choosing biblical words that sound as she need be, never considering their meaning, yeah just like, just like her, right? {{{ Sia Maaseiah, Spirit here, tell me you know what the two words Septennial and September have in common? Ah, ashamed to admit Spirit I don't, what did you see in that vision only a night ago, before you heard the words Daniel 4:4? I saw the number 7, that's because in the Hebrew the word Septennial, as in your Juttah, Septennial, the proposed Bride's escape these thirty plus springs mean reoccurring sevens. While at Camilla's inquiry, Christian Cros just learn, in the Latin, Septem, as in September mean the number seven, as in for them a 7th month, but now our 9th month, ....ah my God I'm kicking myself, ..that's what Cros said, ..yes, how could I in these thirty plus springs have not known that? Perhaps we wasn't to realize until just now, hey meet you at the Artelon house, we'll talk more there, ..alright, thanks Spirit, I'm gonna get Nicholas on the comey right now, ...look Sia, how much you bet the Paris Globe has known all along? Later awesome lady, Godspeed,  yeah, thanks again, Spirit."     >>>Hey, just sticking my head in, I know you're busy, but that Arrow was Sia Maaseiah, said they finally figured it, ...what? Her Juttah Septennial Brides' escape and now the Bride's possible ETE, in September, what those two words, Septennial and September have in common. Said it come from Sia Christian Cros and even then Arrow from his wife Sia Camilla's inquiry of the two words likeness, said they're kicking themselves for going all this time without knowing. Still admit Sia Spirit River figured we knew all along, ...well he was right about that, as he often is Sioux about such things, ..you ever wondered about those names, ...yeah Standing Apache Arrow asking an Arise Sioux Noel, while I watch Lion Wolf Paw, Wounded Knee walk right past me but who're we to question names? I was told by Sia Maaseiah they have, had an Arab, Jewish father who was tangled into all religions, really trying for all their lives, he the eldest son was named Christian Cros because of it. The youngest, come Spirit River, having in the middle, a twin brother and sister, Niegl and Nadia, Nadia the only sister among them being deceased for a while now by an auto accident, now you get back to work, ...yeah thanks for the info, you welcome, see you, talk more in conference, ...yeah, see you then."  Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth; for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, ad their many, stone gods so are they, beware, Apb, The RAM      

 The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Christian Cross Artelon  and Camilla Felicia Brecorwicks was born a son, Leonardo Orenzen Artelon, a son Christiansen Orion Artelon, a son Michaelson Constantine Brecorwicks          

Unto Spirit River Artelon And Csterling Mdagan Vr'ana was born a son Cullum Enid  Artelon, a daughter Nadia Adyson Spring Artelon and a son, Lambeth Trevor Artelon and a daughter Chastain Belin Vr'ana                                 

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