Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Don't Cry For Me Argentina, I am Ungodly, I am Unholy, Let Me Be Ungodly, Unholy Still, And Let Me And Mind Suffer The Cataclysmic Circumstances

Article, 72 Hour Warning- What Will Happen When Planet X Nibiru Arrives Prophecy Links -Seen to be seeing, 09/15/16/2018, the number 7, and a voice in my hearing, Dan, 4:4 then king of kings Babylon, now, king of kings, Mystery Babylon, West Rule/America, until the seven years of Dan. 9, 70th weeks of years passes over them, West Rule will no longer serve as a world power to abominable empire this planet. Will the Angels ascend with the Bride? Asked the perfect man Jesus, Jan. 13-16/2018, in the presence of an identical looking perfect, dangerous man; no further delays US soil, said Rev. 10/Rev. 17 visiting Seventh Angel Jan. 26-29th 2018, so ten Matrix days later, no more doomsday passovers, escape, and may God bless your Noah to Moses day exodus southeast into Africa or skyward, Jesus, beware, Apb -And I heard In My Hearing, Bush's 2002, Obama's 2013 and Pres. Trump, inauguration, 2017/18, fifty million will die US/Western soil, not including a predicted two thirds dead Israeli soil, and a predicted two quarters dead this entre planet, beware, Apb (Rev. 6, 6th seal, Rev, Seventh Angel, 01/26-29th 2018, on a 6th Matrix, 666)
-And There Shall Be Earthquakes In Divers Places, And The Heavens Shall Roll Back Like A Scroll And Missile Right Down Upon US, I Seen It, But So Did The Earth, 1996, Roll Back, Opened Up, Released A Victorious Bringer Of Death As To Vomited Itself Up, Right Out Of It, I Seen it! Beware, Apb Somebody Asked, Why This Keeping Happening? Home Earth Bent On Cataclysmically Burning, Drowning, Buring, Crashing, Flattening And Disappearing US All! Beware, Apb Prophecy Links -That while ye are yet sinning, seen to be seeing in huge enough to block out the exploding, raining down sky, italicized, bold, floodwater down, martyred blood pink letters, the single word, OFFER, the Spirit and Bride Saith Come! Come All Ye Faithful

Part Seven, People Asking, Why The Worst Of The Worst Just Keep Happening?
-I explained dutchsinse, the last of 2017, I heard, 10.2 earthquake and days later I heard and I quote, major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada; Rev. 10, Rev. 17, Seventh Angel Jan. 26-29th 2018 said no further delays of desolations US soil as of these targeted areas, the Midwest, the eastern seaboard forewarn as well. Clearly this was just as predicted 2015/16, disaster Hawaii was dodging an incoming missile and your congressmen were getting away on a train, said to be headed for fall out shelters.
-Possibly why the woman bearing black bowls this giant maze of sin, the millions man visited, single water cooler, made an offer instead of business cards for better homeless shelters, mansions in heaven. Now ask yourselves is Pres. Trump that bamboozled by campaign promises. why else would he agree to these indescribable betrayals of the American people, knowing both of these areas since 2005 have been commanded to go off planet?
-I know now dutchsinse what it's called, what I saw happen to Memphis, TN, the liquefaction that swallowed up parts of Indonesians cities. That was the going down into the earth I've witnessed three consecutive times since the late eighties happen to those like Memphis nestled about New Madrid's fault zone. Truly all forewarn areas the Jesus Husband, as of a nephew Lot and family escaped some from ELE's comeUS soil into Georgia.
-A divine act revisited, March 13, 2018, around your plumes video, a dream, an invitation from US states of barbecue intead into Georgia and a debated, actually two decades now as to escape further southeast into West Africa's coastline. Beware further when I told nephew Carter's Memphis mom, the artistic Carter doing elephants of staying unaware stampeding, Dec. 3-6, 2017, by whose earthquaking I lost a handle of, when I told her about it.
-Only she said yes, our science teacher used to tell us that, Memphis would go into the Mississippi the next there's a major New Madrid quake. She and all my loved ones are Memphians, except my oldest son, whose sick to now deceased mother in law land us all in Georgia, two years to the exact date and month of the escape June 2015. by the Jesus husband into either Georgia or heaven, I explained whenever the Bride is in imminent danger, her escape these demos these 30 plus springs is always referenced.

Prophecy Links

"Moma, your worrying after me got the downtown newspaper's bells ringing, said my other Memphis son, 01/13/2018, during the morning of the the predicted by his daughter 2015, disaster ring of fire and his son 2015/16, disaster Hawaii, missile aler, my predicted 2017 99 bowls of molten lava, Hawaii and all volcanoes ringing earths bells, earthquakes and eruptions, beware, Apb

The Intrepid Dream, Weigh Station Of America's Weight Of Blood, Petrodollar

-So because of a weight of blood guilt, Christmas 2001, by Nov, Thanksgiving 2017 was to be America’s cataclysmic end, meaning Trump’s Presidency was only supposed to last until then. So ask yourselves why instead into a Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday come that has lasted 31 and counting, arriving again into a Dec 25th, 2018, beginning to end finale? That's as of Rev. 2, Church Smyrna, 10 days until its pending tribulation come? Maybe, just maybe, receiving on it's 29th, 09/15/16/2018 as of Russia, China and all Islamic enemies readying to bomb us, as is also three decades predicted, this forewarning come. The single no. 7, a voice an hour later saying Dan. 4;4, remember king of kings Babylon now king of kings Mystery Babylon America. King of kings Babylon, Dan. 2, has seen all Kingdom, nations there ever was these now six millennia come to ashes, dust and wind. He saw it, like I saw 2015, the reigning Bride possessed it to its readiness. He, now we saw what caused it, a mountain as Nibiru or a New Heaven and earth, New Jerusalem, as Planet X. I wonder is that why our sun is failing, is this why Jesus arrives doing a twilight, as a bright Sunlight Himself? Perhaps sitting God's Throne, both the Mountain and the Sunlight which spoke a Noah's Ark to Moses's exodus upon us Americans, Westerners, even the world. So king of kings Babylon saw a mountain made without hands, so not a false flag, plough none stop right into it! Then, nothing was left of powers that be but dust and wind; Rev. 11; see the invite from US, states of barbecue, was on Matrix, 11. The fan, even the healing wings to woo the flames is in the tree of life, Jesus hands and healing, wings, leaves, got him, got Jesus yet? Get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

-Article, Islam Has the Answer to the #MeToo Problem, Says Iran’s Ayatollah, Article (Jesus told the woman Jacob's Well, Its no longer where you worship, how you dress but who you worship and how you worship Holy Elohim. God is a Holy Spirit, those who worship Him, worship Him, in Holy Spirit and Holy Truth, beware, Apb, see here,

   -He Among You Without Sin Only Jesus, Give Righteous Advice, All Hath Sin, Ye Must Be Born Again

  -All hath sin, vain is the help, advices and devices of man, his deeds are evil, all in his world is the lust of the flesh, of the eyes and the pride of the American Dream, ye must be born again, there is no hope in religion. God already presented us a perfect potentate, Jesus hath come, carnivore men rather upon darkness the birth heart. Jesus and His followers are the testers made perfect now ascended leading captivity, religion/America, captive, RUN!. The religious leaders as usual having bandaids whereof God is crying a new as Jesus’ heart will I give unto you, take the baneful blood lineage away from you. The Ayatollahs doing Jesus day presented Him and his disciples with a similar scenario, the washing of the hands theory. Only Jesus used it to explain why as early as (1986), 2013 God was calling on all your giant church leaders and multitudinous followers to fall in love instead with Him,; it's the Jesus outside knocking at Churchians Doors, biblical scenario. Every system of man, EVERY just keep failing, so much so God threw his hands up, backed His Throne into its ceaseless detestations, I saw it. We got further the abominations and the wicked influences our lives, lands, churches, money markets and crystal skies of every evil work, EVERY EVIL WORK, just this tug of civil war with beastly men, beast. Jesus went on to express how washing the hands, so the priest, the hijad, the wailing wall, the church into the highest of all the world  credentials. Seeming all temporal fixes these six millennia has failed were failed from it's failed Eden now on to blessed glories its blessed Gethsemane, Jesus is Lord! Understand a parable to proverb, from within men, out of mankind comes these natural attributes of the sinful heart, again all men, by birth’s blood, nature. Then Jesus begin naming these from within religious, rebellious, monstrous men, lying, murdering, evil thoughts, adultery, FORNICATION right into the LGBTQP agenda. Meaning all this planet could put on metal suits, hats and veils yet it wouldn't stop, nor prevent, nor deter, not even scratching the surface of those blood cursed from within the heartblood. Doesn't the Ayatollah know the males of his religious faith/fate are as well a culture to legacy of lying, whoring, rapist, murderers? Heretofore sin cannot advice nor cast out sin, remember the woman caught in adultery, their stones instead tossed at their own illness the bloodheart, gotten sins? Then ask what do the holiest men this planet do, not with your young women covered from head to feet but with your young men, covered from head to feet? See the F for fornication, see the LGBTQ agenda and the P for Pedophilia, see it is from within the heart, hear Apostle Paul, I beseech thee therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, no more sacrifices of the wicked, I will spew you out of mouth (by the 2015-2017,18, 99 bowls of molten lava, beware all nestled into Yellowstone), said reigning, returning Jesus. A cursed mankind, a new heart, a new birth need to be done unto it, repentance and transformation. Pending with newness of blood come newness of spirit, heart soul, spirit life, God is a holy spirit truth His worship is holy spirit and truth. For six millennia these Priest, Rabbis, Pastors, Politicians and Ayatollahs are the damned leaders issuing and insurring man's way of fail. Come out of dark beast apostate men's genealogy, undoubtedly now an incalculable number and counting in hell. As those awaiting judgement into the predicted 2015 disaster Hawaii lava lakes even this doomed world burning with fire and brimstone. Ye must be born again amd surrendered, sinlessness is possible only with Jesus holy blood, spirits progressiveness in the bloodheart of divine surgical renewal, beware, Apb

Article, 72 Hour Warning- What Will Happen When Planet X Nibiru Arrives

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing, 09/15/16/2018, the number 7, and a voice in my hearing, Dan, 4:4 then king of kings Babylon, now, king of kings, Mystery Babylon, West Rule/America, until the seven years of Dan. 9, 70th weeks of years passes over them, West Rule will no longer serve as a world power to abominable empire this planet. Will the Angels ascend with the Bride? Asked the perfect man Jesus, Jan. 13-16/2018, in the presence of an identical looking perfect, dangerous man; no further delays US soil, said Rev. 10/Rev. 17 visiting Seventh Angel Jan. 26-29th 2018, so ten Matrix days later, no more doomsday passovers, escape, and may God bless your Noah to Moses day exodus southeast into Africa or skyward, Jesus, beware, Apb 
     -And I heard  In My Hearing, Bush's 2002,  Obama's 2013 and Pres. Trump, inauguration, 2017/18, fifty million will die US/Western soil, not including a predicted two thirds dead Israeli soil, and a predicted two quarters dead this entre planet, beware, Apb (Rev. 6, 6th seal, Rev, Seventh Angel, 01/26-29th 2018, on a 6th Matrix, 666)

Part Seven, People Asking, Why The Worst Of The Worst Just Keep Happening?

      -What did y'all think of the earthquaking, erupting stampeding of elephants of staying unaware its first Dec. 24/25 2001-Nov. 24/25/2017 weight of bloodguilt, judgements, award, the Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday? Let me be honest, when I first heard planet X description it's size, scope, it having its own solar systems with orbiting planets, I said that must've been what Apostle John witnessed as a new everything, even a New Jerusalem, descending. I was looking at this video, this planetary scientist showing an ancient tablet of what look like a carving of the planetary being Planet X. Whereas his evidence of deeming it a hoax was that this ancient aware didn't fit the planetary system then or now present and I said, then the carving was prophetic of what was to come and is now come, they were seers.
      -Did you all know the Rev. 12 sign that designed itself as of our planetary body wasn't only.predicted 2000 years past, but it's a constellation that predates man for some seven thousand years; prophetically with Jesus' reign being a seventh millennium of humankind. I explained earlier one of my earliest visions consisted of a scientific equation on both sides of Jesus's name being in the middle; words like Cereus, Ci-buna, Sirius, curriculum us bombs, brown dwarf coupled this image of Jesus as well. Though most extraordinary the morning of Feb. 14, 2015, I looked in a dream and I’m seeing the Antichrist in great prowess and unstoppable, he will kill all. Though, instead I look the more, the Bride is now reigning in heaven and in her possession is the stone cut out without hands, (Dan, 2,) and you know, it has the surface of a meteor and when she prepare to release it, all you  you hear is, "this is the Antichrist murderer!" Jesus is blessed Death/HOPE/Here!
     -Only the same Magog, Jesus is to destroy with the sunlight of his coming, just know the first of these death tolls are pending US/Western soil right now for tolls in the tens of millions it's weight of blood guilt. That when the predicted 2015 West Pacific Plate and disaster Hawaii shall began to go with plentiful nuclear force that domino's right along all other faults and plates at limit, as of, right into an eastern seaboard pronounced gone as well, this shall be the end. I tell you I woke one morning no memory of anything, no rewind into that previous simply hearing, "and this shall be the end!" Though I woke another, same story simply chanting, "we will build an ark!" Get Jesus and get out! Beware, Apb, see more here, an here

Part Eleven, Is There A Sport To Claiming Younger Lives On The Battlefield Of Fame To Gain?

-Collateral damage, few dead in the facing of the fact that millions play, still with millions to be earned, the treacherous broadway road to America's successes. What's a little lost when there's so such to be gained? I know, you just don't want to be on the losing team, but so many parents are, with one lost just so tremendous, I'm just saying. How do you tell someone over and over again my teenage son died while doing what he loved, playing school sports? The margin of error of lost is so small, it's like playing with a gun without even the potential of being loaded. But at times, like this time even blanks and imitations of heroism can be fatal. Can and does happen to everyone, you just hope, pray that happening to everyone doesn't turn out to be you and yours. Sadly even something as prestigious as young life, academics and grandeur, all found culpable feats can yet bring about such heart tragedy. On one end you're glad yours fell away from the sport and on the other hand with a million strong that's a lot of targets by just in the chamber is one artificial projective; a misdemeanor, maybe a flag on the play but nothing as serious as a red alert as your child dead, how, why? There's hope I guess, I say I guess because most on the narrow road, straight path, into the strait gate where there is reserved unspeakable peace and contentment, also there is rarely any research. There is then this going through the distressing achievership, the hall of fame. Only running right through it's stumbling blocks of iniquity is a cursive, invisible stream of this easily, mercilessly taking of life. Teasingly these endless temptations just plastered all over places; even the bible's pages were seen inundated with it's venomous advertisements, no wonder Jesus toss their money tables. Then they're no way quiet but a perpetual faceoff to one's sanity screaming for an audience and pressuring already at seats edge for all the attention! Whats gain if innocent, simplicity and divine wisdom, Christ Cross are lost? Get, Jesus, get out, beware, Apb

Part Twelve, No God Isn't Just Angry At Indonesia, The World Is Ending And Does Nestled, As I Warn Along At Limit Earth Enders Are At Greater Risk!

-You know God is equally mad when he send Angel Gabriel May 2004, saying all things unto fulfillment and rested a multicultural of over a quarter million people lives our Dec. 25th of the same 2004 year. So when the Seventh Angel appeared Jan 2018, because of these pending death bringers beneath US soil and tens of millions of lives. His saying no further delay, but when a predicted 2015 Pacific Ring of fire and disaster Hawaii shall begin to blow, this shall be the end. I say God is angry at Antigod, Antichrist America as well; just know, California burning up, and the entire country after that come from a 2001 Christmas Carol type prophecy and an intrepid dream weight of blood guilt. That until 190 months and forty days Nov. Thanksgiving 2017, be fulfilled, only now a 31st Matrix ten day count. When all was said and predicted of at limit fault lines and Volcanic plates were done so was this entire found blood guilty country of hundreds of millions, get Jesus, get out and may God bless your Trump/Truexit/Exodus, southeast or skyward, beware, Apb

Part Thirteen, We Have Come Daniel For Ye Are Greatly Beloved

-How many of you after reading this claim went, she got to be kidding! The Angel Gabriel May 2004, ended his made aware, we're the generation Jesus spoke of, Mat 24, that would not pass away until all is fulfilled; the last thing said, she's going, coming with a seventh angel. Right after I remember thinking, saying isn't there a seventh angel in revelation? I also thought I misunderstood how could it be both, which was it she's going or coming with a Seventh Angel and whose she? Now I know as the Trump of God, at one time seen passed off to the Angel Gabriel, a trumpet will herald both the Brides exit and Jesus and Her blessed return. So why wasn't seventh angel Jan. 2018, as predicted taking us, but giving us further warning instead? When I looked and saw Angel Gabriel 2004 coming, I explained how grieved in my spirit I come. Surely it is that God had to yet take such measures, after many millennia of forewarning, but everything as of Christ Cross was changed. Soon the Seventh Angel Rev. 11, would sound and claim the Kingdoms of men had come those of God and His Christ. This blessed to phenom rivalry, the host of Heaven, 24 elders all; still a claim that can't come until the world by an outbreak of ELE's never before, this silence Gods Throne; suffer two quarters it's billions inherits dead. Then you hear with me, Matrix Ct. 29, 09/15/16/2018, begin Dan. 4:4, the lamentations of king of kings Mystery Babylon being alerted solemnly it's to decrease until Prophet Daniel final seven years 2017/18-2024/25, passes over it. Then all the world's government are bored the earth quaking, sky shattering, mountains exploding, the sea burning to imploding. The emerging invasion of peace on earth, the healing wings, leaves and shoulders of the Lord lords and the King of kings 1000 year reign, get Jesus and get out, beware, Apb

Part Fourteen, Who Shall Separate Us From The Love Of God

    -Just as shown of Moses, his being a Prince of Egypt and born a son of the enslaved Hebrew. Pres Obama was now come, like an Egyptian Prince, the most powerful man on the planet but also he is son, the lineage of the enslaved African. The question is which of them Holy Spirit was referring to when Senator Barack Hussein Obama was declared the one, a murderer or a victim of murderers, a Moses or a Mohammad? The harsh reality is, if America is as Moses, a commanded exodus the role these leads play in our lives will change drastically, has already shifted. Easily those now our hope could come our enemy, those now thought our enemies could come our hope. The reality, mankind has one true loving friend, and when the Angel Gabriel and Archangel Michael were telling a just as in love Daniel how greatly beloved he is, that's how they feel about humankind, for God so loved the world. Listen and here Apostle Paul crying out, who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. This unforseen love is why the Seventh Angel heralding the Bride off to marriage supper, is he and she instead made a pact? The next time you see the Bride yes she has S. Angels chore of black bowls in toll but in her upper, right hand pocket, breaking into the line of millions this single water cooler, is instead a 30th Matrix, a huge enough to block out the sky, in Italic, bold, floodwater down of Jesus’ martyred blood, pinkish letters, the single word OFFER, of business cards for better homeless shelters, mansions in heaven, the spirit and bride saith come, got Him, got Jesus yet? Beware, Apb

-And There Shall Be Earthquakes In Divers Places, And The Heavens Shall Roll Back Like A Scroll And Missile Right Down Upon US, I Seen It, But So Did The Earth, 1996, Roll Back, Opened Up, Released A Victorious Bringer Of Death As To Vomited Itself Up, Right Out Of It, I Seen it! Beware, Apb Somebody Asked, Why This Keeping Happening? Home Earth Bent On Cataclysmically Burning, Drowning, Buring, Crashing, Flattening And Disappearing US All! Beware, Apb Prophecy Links -That while ye are yet sinning, seen to be seeing in huge enough to block out the exploding, raining down sky, italicized, bold, floodwater down, martyred blood pink letters, the single word, OFFER, the Spirit and Bride Saith Come! Come All Ye Faithful -I explained, I knew the Hawaii missile alert wasn't a hoax, didn't see the footage of truth until just a few days ago. It was the three nights of revelation by visiting Holy Spirit's The Jesus, Husband in our sickbeds, the perfect man Jesus inquiring of the Angels all around us ascension? And a perfect, dangerous man pending; and all yeah, my Memphis son excitedly lamenting, the downtown newspaper's bells were ringing; an indication non-stop news reporting about the predicted 2017 99 bowls of molten lava having earth’s bells ringing and killing myriad of people, even Memphis New Madrid. Note, this was 9 months before the virtual outbreak we're having and so many are dying as I write and you read, this. When all said and done the 5th Matrix, see Rev. 5, 01/13-16/2018, only moments before 2015 predicted disasters Hawaii I knew doubtlessly as Prophet Ezekiel for his people, the end hath come! I remember this meeting with seventh angel went on for several days, right into the congressman's trainwreck, rumored to be the elitist getting to hideaway bunkers, Rev. 9, Matx 9, their fleeing selves, no wonder it all fumbled. Just as ten days earlier and for three nights the perfect man Jesus revisited his warning toward fornicators, the curse of sickbeds, the curse of great tribulation, now if for everybody he couldn't make a distinction; and the worst, any venomous blood offspring of corrupted love affairs; I will kill your children with DEATH! Said now reigning Jesus; of the one sin threatening the Genesis man/marriage continuing genealogy. Though in all since Jan. 2018 I’ve seen Jesus the woman seed, tossing stumbling blocks and strong holding beggarly elements; the Jesus of resurrection, bearing healing wings come to carry off the Bride; the Jesus Husband who with the Bride slay and lay waist religious, ancient beast; Jesus the inkhorn man/the Lamb's book of life roll call/ census taking the Savior of men's souls; Jesus, the man in Linen, the righteousness of the saints, dressed as the Bride the marriage supper hath come, left enough salt for sweeping right along this hall here; Jesus bearing pruning sickle, thrust in thy sickle and Reap; the slayer of the ungodly, the winepress of God the length by a measure the horse's bridle, 175 miles of floodwater down martyred pink blood, then Antichrist reign, I been telling y’all, Jesus is here! Fret not King David Ps. 37, said as of the death rider from beneath the earth, trust, delight and commit! Wait a minute, WHAT! Truth is all hundreds of millions of Americans and Billions of earthers these easy kills nestled up to Nibiru’s apocalypse exploding lava mountains, erupting fiery lava crust, earth, imploding to gushing up surrounding sea by shining seas both death to man and sea creatures, it has arrived but you need’et get out! So the live 1986 phenom demo of the Rapture wasn't just about Russia's Chernobyl, but the ancients, even the Mayans KNOWING, the rebellious earth, sky and Jerusalem’ replacement; it is by an inferno of replenishing renewal, Planet X solar system is instead, arrived, got Jesus yet? Get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb, The RAM!

-And There Shall Be Earthquakes In Divers Places, And The Heavens Shall Roll Back Like A Scroll And Missile Right Down Upon US, I Seen It, But So Did The Earth, 1996, Roll Back, Opened Up, Released A Victorious Bringer Of Death As To Vomited Itself Up, Right Out Of It,  I Seen it! Beware, Apb

     Somebody Asked, Why This Keeping Happening? Home Earth Bent On Cataclysmically Burning, Drowning, Buring, Crashing, Flattening And Disappearing US All! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

     -That while ye are yet sinning, seen to be seeing in huge enough to block out the exploding, raining down sky, italicized, bold, floodwater down, martyred blood pink letters, the single word, OFFER, the Spirit and Bride Saith Come!

Come All Ye Faithful

      -I explained, I knew the Hawaii missile alert wasn't a hoax, didn't see the footage of truth until just a few days ago. It was the three nights of revelation by visiting Holy Spirit's The Jesus, Husband in our sickbeds, the perfect man Jesus inquiring of the Angels all around us ascension? And a perfect, dangerous man pending; and all yeah, my Memphis son excitedly lamenting, the downtown newspaper's bells were ringing; an indication non-stop news reporting about the predicted 2017 99 bowls of molten lava having earth’s bells ringing and killing myriad of people, even Memphis New Madrid. Note, this was 9 months before the virtual outbreak we're having and so many are dying as I write and you read, this. When all said and done the 5th Matrix, see Rev. 5, 01/13-16/2018, only moments before 2015 predicted disasters Hawaii I knew doubtlessly as Prophet Ezekiel for his people, the end hath come! I remember this meeting with seventh angel went on for several days, right into the congressman's trainwreck, rumored to be the elitist getting to hideaway bunkers, Rev. 9, Matx 9, their fleeing selves, no wonder it all fumbled. Just as ten days earlier and for three nights the perfect man Jesus revisited his warning toward fornicators, the curse of sickbeds, the curse of great tribulation, now if for everybody he couldn't make a distinction; and the worst, any venomous blood offspring of corrupted love affairs; I will kill your children with DEATH! Said now reigning Jesus; of the one sin threatening the Genesis man/marriage continuing genealogy. Though in all since Jan. 2018 I’ve seen Jesus the woman seed, tossing stumbling blocks and strong holding beggarly elements;  the Jesus of resurrection, bearing healing wings come to carry off the Bride; the Jesus Husband who with the Bride slay and lay waist religious, ancient beast; Jesus the inkhorn man/the Lamb's book of life roll call/ census taking the Savior of men's souls; Jesus, the man in Linen, the righteousness of the saints, dressed as the Bride the marriage supper hath come, left enough salt for sweeping right along this hall here; Jesus bearing pruning sickle, thrust in thy sickle and Reap; the slayer of the ungodly, the winepress of God the length by a measure the horse's bridle, 175 miles of floodwater down martyred pink blood, then Antichrist reign, I been telling y’all, Jesus is here! Fret not King David Ps. 37, said as of the death rider from beneath the earth, trust, delight and commit! Wait a minute, WHAT! Truth is all hundreds of millions of Americans and Billions of earthers these easy kills nestled up to Nibiru’s apocalypse exploding lava mountains, erupting fiery lava crust, earth, imploding to gushing up surrounding sea by shining seas both death to man and sea creatures, it has arrived but you need’et get out! So the live 1986 phenom demo of the Rapture wasn't just about Russia's Chernobyl, but the ancients, even the Mayans KNOWING, the rebellious earth, sky and Jerusalem’ replacement; it is by an inferno of replenishing renewal, Planet X solar system is instead, arrived, got Jesus yet? Get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb, The RAM!

     -Alert: seen to be seeing in huge, italic, blocking out the sky, in water down blood pink, the single word offer, beware, Apb, see, Jer. 37, 1998
     -Alert, seen to be seeing in bold, lowercase letters, the single word error, when Bush's was declared one error into a new fear factor, see Dan. 4, 2018

     -Doing America's Commanded Moses Day Exodus, When The Sunlight, From Behind A Mountain God's Throne Spoke To king of kings Mystery Babylon, Western Rule, America, Again As Moses Day Says, Let My People Go Into Exodus, And May Elohim God, As The Days Of His Servant Abraham, Bless It,

         -I chose this Trump border wall video for it's date of March 13, 2018, an 11th Marx/Rev 11, chpts, not only was dutchsinse ( seeing something mysterious as US states imploding into combustion. He nor I knew at the precise time, I was having dreams whereas i was inviting US states of pending barbecue instead into Georgia,a revisit to the 2015, escape either to Georgia or heaven. Equally like a dream they were by all manners of loaded to capacity automobiles arriving oddly the back parking lot of a now an abandoned church.
     -Strangely as of another dream years ago, in the dream three persons, as in three generations to one bike arrived in the save parking lot, where they could see a portal open in the earth and demons were like a high octane facet pouring out, into the church. Understand, when an antichrist agenda is all the more pushed, even made law, it's to open up the flood gates to an inundation of devilous, demonic confusion, so without a righteous head and every evil work.
     -This is why inside the church, there was a manner of pedophilia (all fornication is sin, all, from abortion/M/F, immoral sex, LGBTQ and P for pedophilers), of a detestation happening to all it's young males being infected with molesting your infant children. This mass escape has turn upon a debate whether to escape all those come further still into Africa, with the same African male who years again brought me out of a tent and showed all the American refugees pouring into, upon the African coastline.
     -An American and world exodus, something I been seeing, the escape not only of American refugees but  of world refugees and migrants, lead by an African born male right into is lineage Africa. Amazingly, long before an African born male come the president of the world and as one is to cancel out the other; so long before an Islamic male made an offer of a United States of Africa, to be realized between 2017/18-2024/25 just as Americans and westerners realize they're by commanded reapers, bearing sword like syringes judging some, escaping others.
    -This incredible event as of all, all ELE'S being synchronized by the hundreds of millions into a southeast into Georgia, further southeast into Africa's coasts line, as the days of Noah's ark, of Abraham's Lot, of Moses' exodus, a merciful God has not only designed escape, southeast or skyward, as these merciful days of days of old, God will only bless escape and count it as Righteousness, this doomed nation, world nor heavens is your home, Jesus is, get Jesus and get out!

     -Don't Cry For Me Argentina, I am Ungodly, I am Unholy, Let Me Ungodly, Unholy Still, And Let Me And Mind Suffer The Cataclysmic Circumstances 

Here, Little Miya Girl Of Translation

     -They shall be marrying and giving into marriages until the flood waters take them away, this is why I explained the world ending at present is as Noah building God designed Ark and Americans this world lead, godly, ungodly are building their Americanized dream houses right beside divine interventions of getaway to save souls by saving lives. Do you all know how grievously this procrastination is viewed by God, (Eze. 5/Calexit); so much so after HE the first Matrix stampeded the elephants of staying unaware;
     -He then assigned a little Miya girl of post to present apocalypse to the back seat viewing of your retardant autos. Chillingly to the point, there are so many cars being lost by disasters. See Harvey alone claimed millions of cars, again so. many resistant to escape autos lost, people are calling these perilous times a car apocalypse. Right after I had the dream of  interpreting a English alert into Dutch, by this other dream.
     -As to have young followers with me, we'd stopped at a fast food window, the emphasis on fast; as time done run out completely. It was here I was deciding which of them could stomach, I Pet. 2, only liquids and which of them could stomach meat or both, again I remind you the haste we're in. Angel Gabriel 2004, all unto fulfillment; both Obama's at separate intervals found on Memphis, New Madrid/Dunlap street, not only the foundation of this prophetic ministry, so my Damascus Rd, (Dunlap Street).
     -The first of many escaping either to heaven or Georgia/Africa, demos. Just as of America's exodus was first on, time done lapsed street, and soon the dream, 2017, of retrieving the little Miya girl here come into the red car, 1987, of threatening religious beast into divine translation the finale of all biblical prophecy right into Jesus’ 1000 year reign, time done lapsed Dan. 12 into Rev. 10, so while on (TIME); Dunlap Street!
     -When Trump building a border wall as abominable as the same sex vote crying we're ungodly let us be ungodly still, we're unholy let us be unholy still, wash your hands Bride of Christ's Martyred his blood be upon us and our children, so don't cry for us Argentina.  Again this, Pres Trump resistant wall, this possession with campaign promises, began reading here, is as the crystallized skies raining down clear and Egypt's Pharaoh, saying no, he has no plans for evacuating you, This world is not your home, Jesus is, get Jesus, get out!, Apb, The RAM

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