Saturday, November 10, 2018

     -Blessed are the hearers and doers of America/West Rule Noah/Moses day  exodus, for the smoke of her burning is at hand! Beware, Apb


  -Since you're an abbot believer in the bible, God changes not, the same always, when Rev. 10 Great angel crying there is time no longer to Rev 17 7th angel mentioning Mystery Babylon, both visited us Jan. 26-29/2018, a 6th Matrix/ Rev. 6, 6th seal.     
    -Undoubtedly they're  referencing king of kings America/West Rule, those in 2001, holy spirit demonstrated to me. Easily the weighty blood guilt of this wicked to whoring world system. It was by abruptly bringing it's intrepid dream adventures to an end at a subtraction of 190 years in technology and tens of millions in lives, mostly burn away, thus the invite March 13, 2018, from US States of barbecue into Georgia..  
    -Abruptly snatched out the Bride, left this great abomination giving into a world if abominations before a weigh scale of blood guilt of 190 lbs, and 40 days (see and combine Eze. 4, Dan 5, Rev 11 and 13, monthly totals). 
    Especially Rev 11 by which I doing Pres. Bush 2003, predicted a Hussein Whitehouse while Saddam Hussein was being targeted. Then Rev. 13, 2008, as Senator Barack Hussein campaigned, I witnessed two beast rise, one from earth, one from sea.
     -Later as you realizing, one Rev. 13 beast was dead, Saddam Hussein and yet it lived Barack Hussein. Frightening still, Senator Obama to President Obama. Further know, the last biblical territory blood moon, 0727/2018 marked its tenth anniversary exactly.
    - It was when I heard Obama's rising with the beast of Rev. 13, be given on 07/ 27/2008 a two weeks and seven year fulfillment of the Dan 12 into Rev. 10 great Angel Man in Linen times, times and a half grace/church age, rebellious age, timetable, that when Obama's is done so will be 2000 years of Western Civilization.
    -So, when I looked into a vision 1998, and I see as a Dan. 5, hand writing on the wall marking Jeremiah 37:8, (the Chaldeans are coming, they will take your cities and burn them with fire; so says Rev. 17:16-18). Possibly why doing Bush's 2003, I witnessed fire from prison bars like a sword target him, so see Eze 5 judgement by fire.

See here Eze. 8, December 2001, the parable Christmas Carol of America's Judgement by fire from heaven, erupting Volcanos and exploding molten lava crust causing infernos from the West coast into the eastern seaboard, beware all escape, beware, Apb, see, March 2018, plumes over citing,, 11/10/2018 -- EXPLOSION IN unrest @Volcanoes, see also, plumes video see here,

    Just a month or so ago it was the  no. 7, and the scripture Dan 4:4. Beware, for it reads, king of kings Babylon then, now king of kings Mystery Babylon America, that until 7 years passes over you, Dan. 9, now nearly a year of Matrix ten day counts you will cease to be a superpowers or any power this planet whatsoever, all God's children to creation, RUN, Briexits to Blaexit/ Brexits are either southeast/Georgia/Africa or skyward/Jesus/heaven, beware!
    -It was then I witnessed Jesus millennium descend 2016, into the man in Linen/Great Angel/ as Barack Obama finished timetable. So you all see, if anything these elite you're blaming who're now running as to abandon you a collateralized depopulation. 
   Prophetically they're actually first for stampeding but by now for lethal eviction, Eze. 9, type commanded reapers. Those I witnessed come after you while escaping bearing swordlike syringes Nuclear, Natural and NEO'S, finishing some, ascending others, repent, escape! 
    -No, those man made horrors worst than ever this planet as Ancient Beast/Antichrist rise will slay in less than five years these billions. These great evils surely mentioned by Dec. 3-5, 2017 Palestine's Abbas, as soon as he mentioned 8 of his leads getting at Trump, aligned himself, 2017, to Gog and Magog and as Bush, Obama's, 50 million deaths, US soil. 
   - It's not them, prophetically they're the ones running, crying, trainwrecking,saying mountain fall us!. Only with King Nebuchadnezzar's, Dan. 2,  mountain from heaven, I saw a sunlight rise from behind, before God's throne. Then still later, the mountain being made ready the Bride's possession, the Antichrist murderer. Indefinitely coming to oblige all whoring rebellious of blood guilt marvel not Jesus saying repent or perish!
-Yes, as to revisit holy scripture, the entirety of humankind are down to Jesus simple suggestion to request repent or perish. Or be totally zteiken out like those 8 ancient kingdoms, Rev. 17, 7 th angel 92 AD, now. 2018 AD, Palestine’s Abbas Dec 3-15/25 2017 did mention mention into end time synchronization if the ten headed, seven horns, crowned beast, as mention first to Apostle John of all this world's great who’ve all come, reigned mightily crashed and burn, now a Mystery Babylon America fall as well, or like them all, King Nebuchadnezzar's witnessed, perish. Come now is Jesus 1000 year reign, a ninth, followed by a prayed these many millennia God's King reign, new earth, new heaven and a descending not from the middle eastern wars, bloodletting and it's Armageddon slaying billions, but from heaven, as in made without hands descends a new Jerusalem, a 10th finale of earth's reign, that's for eons and eons without end, now come, beware, Apb, The RAM

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