Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Light Of Ni Be We Consquella, Isabella, Kroff

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 11/22//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

    Listening To: Be Be, Ce Ce,'s Jingle bell, to Clay Aiken's Don't Save it All, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World,

      -As To Be Inundated With SunShiney Days, When It Is From Such Beaming, A Catastrophe Upon The earth Is Come

      -A Siege Upon All Kingdom and Nation Building Assuredly As Gabriel 2004, Mention A Seventh Angel, A Warning To All Souls, Escape Continuance Into America !    

     The Lord Is My Strength And Song, And He Is Become My Salvation: He Is My God, And I Will Prepare Him An Habitation; My Father's God, And I Will Exalt Him.

                                                        Scene XX

     "Do you normally Preece Tatum begin your days with coffee and Sierra Leone news? Princess," though he'd summon her there, stumbling to startled right out of his seat, heart, here it was three mornings later, America's Thanksgiving Eve, and he and friends taken off to Zimbabwe, America's come exodus. "It was the article, ah paper, it was left on the counter, capturing my eye, I thought it was best I help myself. Strange, strange? I'm sorry, strange seeing it first thing, Sierra Leone was pounding in my head just now, that and the name Michael, did you Princess know about the mudslides, their leaders, it's people suffering along partisanship? I know what Apostle Paul said, help me with my chair, ah, yeah, yeah, first all of it, Apostle said, gain would be the stumbling block of men, grand Maaseiah always said you have one or the other this life, a quagmire say others. A stumbling block or a detour, and then she said, you know what to do with a detour, then secondly Preece Tatum, they being ignorant of God's righteousness, hath built their houses upon sand. Though who knew it would lead to this, an entire world system of gazillions in revenue and yet hunger and war prevails. Don't fret Preece, as in it's okay, one come, or should I say the one is come, he'll turn it all to more blood, then will Jesus' reign. As I said, fear not, Michael is here, I'm sorry, Michael? The Glorious Warrior for divine change, he is here, ah, how, how do you know that? Again sit and I'll tell you, this is my favorite morning spot, how did you know? You and your friends, Americans will suffer all the more mightily until you free yourselves of that notion, of what notion? That you are Americans, you are, well we Preece Tatum Oniel are the genesis man, with six thousand years of genealogy this planet, as surely as we're made known of our patriotic father's, we then know ours. Everything else an illusion from the beginning, so whatever you read here, is because of what happen there, have you ordered? There? I know Michael is here, as it was whispered in my ear, the synchronization of Israel, what is really to get our special attention, the earth's grand mother of us all, it begins. Therefore clearly Preece Tatum, Michael, Israel's divine warrior, come with heaven's armies, for charge, are all here. I saw you last night, we were leaving one of the stores and I glanced left and there you was laughing and eating with friends. Don't tell me, you was shocked, yes, to see I was human after all, I was a young lady with style and equally young, happy acquaintances? Tell me Tatum Oniel, is it because I'm black?" Straightly resting her hand, gently, atop his, reminding him of the stark difference of it's pigment in skin, terrifying him, had it become too obvious? "I assure you there is nothing I can do about it, even if I could I wouldn't, isn't that a little like Job, wishing he'd never been born? So offensive to Elohim, I am black just assuredly as you are white and again a mission impossible all these millennia and there is nothing to be done. Concurrently, why should we, why should we attempt to Americanize the origin of our birth, it's set in cursed blood linage now the failure and damnation of millions. Truly when it is the origin of our creation, destination and eternal continuation that hath us both this way, now by Jesus blood adopted heir of His? So love, what is for breakfast and after three days, awaiting a meeting as this, thank you for inviting me. What, why do you look at me in this way? I can introduce you to my friends, I think you should meet them, they're dying as some would say to meet you. really, dying, as you say to meet me, why I wonder? One, because you are God and America's abandon, two because Nibewe heart flutters to have you and three I asked only that you Preece Tatum take my hand even as black as it is, into Juttah's marriage worship. Miraculously because of that one thing, you Tatum Oniel Cobbestone, is mighty with importance, being the next Prince Juttah, if you say yes of course, and I will, right? I'm sorry, am I beside myself, stepped over boundaries Preece Tatum you have set? If so please tell me, no, no, calm down, please, sip, sip your cup while it's hot, you said Michael is here, as in Archangel? Yes, like Jesus' prayer, America, he will not keep Israel from the evil of it's great judgments, it is predestined, but he will prevent their complete annihilation until Christ Himself as is prophesied, is again Mount Olivet bound. Understand Preece Tatum, well first reconsider, when Prophet Ezekiel witnessed it sore desolation, Israel's, he asked Elohim the great one question, will you at this time destroy the entire house of Israel? Israel the Christ went down in biblical history, as to warn, destroy this temple and in three days it shall be rebuild. Surely like now, He, Elohim was angry enough, all nations war and battle, battleships into it's own armageddon are over the faith slash fate of Israel the world, they, though, told, they just refuse to know it. It is only like the garden of eden of all men creation, if it falls so does the world. Of course, it's the Angel Gabriel's mention of the seventh angel, you're referencing Maaseiah's, Grand Maaseiah to her grandchildren, and yes, I'm referencing Angel Gabriel meeting with her. It is Preece Lord just as he'd done with prophet Daniel, as so a pending mother Elizabeth, well father Zechariah and most important, a pending mother Mary, the same mother Elizabeth whose womb leaped with joy over Mother Mary's divine womb. It is Nibe, truly over and I'm struck crying how I never thought I would see this day, while you are plenty with company, multi millions taxed by the same awareness. I love blue berries, don't they look so delicious? They do, yes, I'm famish, I had a long night, these friends as you say, who is he? Well, why, are you the lest bit jealous, yes? He is my match from birth, perhaps from the womb, but my heart has never leaped for him, for no other, the way it has for you, for Preece Tatum Oniel. He is Preece Tristan Allen Stuart, he is of the house of my parents long living friends, Dexter and Corronda Stuart, he has asked and expect my hand in marriage, it's juttah, if he woo me about, it is for this reason. Will you, will you marry him? No, I've waited a long time, I admit I'm worn by the journey at times quite treacherous, but to find one's heart desire is worth that and more. How is your breakfast, delicious, right? That remind me, we leave today, leave? It is getting more and more dangerous for you and your friends to be here, you possibly read in these articles, about Zimbabwe's leader as well, it is not safe, where will we go? Possibly the Africa of Darius' birth, Kenya, or the hills, lakes of Ethiopia. Then Nibe, it is true, Darius Juttah is your father, Sia Maaseiah is your grandmother, and Prince Darius, Juttah, Meshullam Kadesh, ...reconcile, be holy, excuse me? That is the meaning of my brother's name, reconcile, be holy, which is what he spend all of his time doing, I know he met with you, what did he dare say? Only Princess Nibewe that all are made worthy as of Christ's cross, so, you are filled, pleased? If so Preece Tatum, I have one thing in particular in, Preece Tristan!"  Shocking her into her stand, a mistrusting Tatum as well, was it obvious there was lots of friction between them and Tatum just caught speechless, it's middle. "I thought you return to your post, this is highly disregarded, is this him, the man you've asked to marry, this yanky? I beg you Preece Tristan don't do this, don't embrassess us all, though I couldn't bear it, I should've told you, my heart leaps out toward him and so does yours, another. Another, mine? I will not stand for this, then I'm hurt Preece Tristan by this indecision of yours, is that what you want, that I hurt myself? Of course not, I beg this man's pardon, but can we sit again, talk? I'm yet Nibe to understand what is happen, I will Princess meet you back at the castle, then you Preece is most generous, but no, this heart is not for me," as to reach a heartfelt hand to his chest, seeing it completely dissolved by him, surely as one totally convinced, they were so not on the same page, here. "It never has been, it never will be and talking the more Preece Tristan isn't the change you need, it is admission, truly you love another. I must go, you as well, Nibe, you sure about this? Yes Tatum, I mean yes Preece Tatum, it is my heart, at least let me speak it, goodbye my friend, I plead you farewell in love, always in caring love.  We must go, Darius Juttah has been summoning us this entire hour or more, what, what kind of, okay, okay, so my chair then, please? Ah, yes, where are you going? Ah, the transit, no, I have my driver, you just really hurt him, I don't need to be reminded, my heart is like wax because of it, it is melting, how long were you two intended?" Seeing she's to past tearing eyes, the looking window, wipe so meticulously, it was as well stunning him, why suffer such sorrow for him? "That Preece Tatum would be since birth, I look at you Princess, because you are the most stunning, the most visibly stunning in every character of a human being, I've ever met. I was sitting mom's balcony, staring, admiring for at least an hour all the various trees, scrubs and vines Nibe, tall, short, full, bear, even those with colors. Mesmerized, how in all their variety they stood in unison, just so powerfully breathtaking. I then asked my mother, why men couldn't be like that? And she said, because men have mouths and I said, no, it's because the tree's, by it' true nature have no other will other than God's and they're blessed because of it, too bad I again said, men can't be like that, exactly Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson, exactly, now you know why, why? Why my heart, broken, contrite, only leaps out at you, and Princess Ni Be we will wait until forever, to have it fulfilled." Why speak in parables, for they say the lord see us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, get it, get Jesus and get (ascend), out of it.  

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