Thursday, December 7, 2017

He's The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot, A Trojan Horse In Disguise

 Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 12/07/2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Preparing The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

-Listening To: Selah, "Lord I Trust You,", I Got Saved,

 -The Roar Of The Lion, The Speed Of The Leopard, The Mockery Of The Demon Dog, In A Number Like The Grains Of Sand, The Fallen Will Follow, Will Wallow, This Fall,

He's The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot, Was That White Man's Sickbed Filled Up With Trump?

    -I don't know you guys, it has Jesus whispering in Judas Iscariot's ear, go and do what you do quickly, as these are things which must come to past, for the total fulfillment of end time bible prophecy is surely, at hand, right now, feel to it. If Bush war on the axis of evil was so easily deemed one error/era, into a new fear -factor, a new era of Nation building where American rule doesn't no longer exist. Where Obama's was simply beast rise, into it's preparation along its, His, appointed timetable fulfilled, now, not only Trump's but all world leaders. So what is now being said about Trump's move, well, I did just the other night look into a dream whereas, though losing it in the great struggle of stampedes. Once having Carter by the hand, I witnessed the stampeding of elephants, found myself right in it's middle, caused such a ruckus, people just thrown into greater the chaos.
     -Now you have to realize this ill advised action of Trump did come back into the media, just as another ten day count from November 25th was ending, as so on the premise, I Apostle Pat, have been warning and warning it's as the days of Moses exodus yes, but as far as kingdom to nation building is concern, it's as of the fulfillment of Revelation 17 and 18, chapters, into Ezekiel's 38. 39th, chapters, the very fury of God cast at Trump to Us 2016 campaigning. Meaning, the great whore of allegiance wears out her welcome whereas God put it in the hearts and mind of other of it's world leaders. Those prophesied ten heads, with Abbas calling on the intervention of eight of them, it is that they destroy this great whore of abomination. Truly on their way to stardom, as off to being regarded as kings themselves, having spent one hour with the Beast of all beast, those which I not only witness rise one from the sea, as so one from the earth, assuredly as Obama's campaign, see even Revelation 13.
     -It is those carnivorous beast I've seen tearing through pulpits and churches, through peace getting porches and stock to money markets, where I heard a voice cry, "I have a bear in 120 countries. Then here lately, the worst of the worse, ancient, beast (territorial spirits), the lion, leopard and demon dog (ravenous mockery), posed in the homes as house pets, meaning an unimaginable satanic to demonic infiltration. Honestly, I been calling Trump's a Truexit, even a pending Clinton, a Hilexit since before the election, even called for a stay of it's execution into altars of Christ and commanded exodus, the only escape, sacrifice, God will bless. After seeing what I saw and especially hearing what I heard, just know if Trump was a believer he would be staging for the Amercan, the greatest evac to migration of plenteous cities, of western rule since the days of Moses' Egypt, itself.
     -They are coming, even something deem lately as a Noah (NOAA's) cousin, so in some ill respect they are here, every and anything natural to nuclear that can make an extinction level event, one after another US to Western soil, as to set it back for 190 years. Then Asia to Arabia hath reign and the Israelis are forced into a deal with them all according to a peace initiative, I've seen it, heard it, it was by the name of Hamath . So maybe, possibly now you can as well see, why it has just the launching by Jesus of Judas Iscariot and Judas kiss as to upstage Jesus that unless He be lifted up, we all perish. Said to be a man of prediction himself, as all present world leaders so with Asia, America, Japan and Russia in a block and a cry goes forward 2002. Evenly so, twenty-fours until Trump's inauguration, so again, 2017, that some "fifty million will die!" so please tell end time Apostle, this Jerusalem move is about something other than power, glory and money, store up your treasures in heaven, that it's not your stumbling block, indeed.
     -Especially with so much blood shed to immortal souls yet laying in the flimsy balancing act of it all, in 2005, America and Britain were commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces. As so years later,  Canada was commanded to be wiped from the map, just as so I witness them lead about as cattle, Israel was called into biblical synchronization at least five years earlier, so 2012, I heard it announce in my hearing. So nothing, no way is anything about this situation good, actually while sweeping fall leaves off the porch the other day, I was reminded of the song, 'the little boy that santa claus forgot.' How, what if when he finally got what it was he thought he would like, come disguised as this genuine toy but a Trojan horse, a weapon of mass destruction. Though having an anxious, immature, proud heart to mindset to always getting what he want, tens of millions were dead US soil before he's to even realized it, even before he's finished with it's unwrapping? Beware, Apb, The Ram, see entire blog here,

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