Friday, December 1, 2017

The Inquiry Of Paul Craig Roberts, The Revelation, Light Of Christ's Cross

-Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 12/01//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

     -Listening To: Pentatonix, Mary Did You Know?, to Clay Aiken's, O Holy Night, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World,

Blessed Is He That Waiteth And Cometh To The Thousand Three Hundred and Five and Thirty Days, Daniel, 12:12.

     -All Viewers Beware, Ancient Beast, The Lion, The Leopard, The Demon Dog, All Posing In The Home As Friendly, Trusted Pets, This Unthinkable. Unsinkable Satanic to Demonic Infiltration

Prophecy Links

Seem to be seeing a great stampede and utter chaos of all Elephants once staying the rooms of rebellion, of persons come more and more aware, again stampeding such unaware, beware, Apb

The Exodus Of Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool

The Inquiry Of Paul Craig Roberts, Is Washington The Most Corrupt Government Ever?

With Elephants Stampeding, Now To The Little Miya Girl In Your Reluctant Escape Vehicles

     -It's according Paul to whether you're looking at it from rebellious man's failsafe, the heathen raging even after Jesus' thousand year reign of peaceful healing. Or God's, when I was first told by Elohim, God that He would destroy America, even for it's abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches having forsaken Him, by Christ's cross. This supposedly innovative, living environment now so possessed, ancient beast, the lion, the leopard, the demon dog, have all been seen in their midst, their homes, posing as friendly house pets, this inconceivable of wicked infiltration.
     -A death rider, lately described a Noah's cousin, released from beneath the earth, so much so that as Trump's supporters cried, that he make America Great again, I instead heard in my hearing, "your is a nuclear fate." Additionally proven, that just as Trump declared America safe indefinitely, we were given the very date, such damning declarations were meet with an outbreak of monster hurricanes. Now you know why it is I forewarn they're come, natural to nuclear, all that can make an extinction level event US to western soil, threatening hundreds of millions.
     -Still Paul, you asked is it, portrayed as a loan of an artificial. leopard skin coat that bedazzles into the costliest of being made unaware possibly ever this planet, Noah's earth, yet is it you asked is it's government, the worst evil, ever? Yes, especially if what Apostle John is describing of Mystery Babylon the great is as so many think, warn, is western rule into the American dream. Whose Paul blood guilt, weighed and found wanting, Christmas night, 2001, that until 190 months and forty days be fulfilled, it is any D-day now, so cometh extinction levels events right into just an outbreak of mortuary,
     -This beyond, actually with the word horrible lately just plucked out of the work, I've seen said judgement as a funeral reef, western, that soared and reached into the heavens above with it's insurmountable death tolls on men. Still the answer to your question is certainly, just as that evil world reign, reaching as of the backward running clock I witnessed ticking under the death rider. Apparently all the way back to prophet Daniel's, his witness of seeing and hearing of four beast rise, of the fourth beast, one more diverse then any as Western Rule. Truly so, lately portrayed as four continents to nations in a block, itself, Asia. America, Japan and Russia so much so, not only was there a cry Paul, 2002 and Trump's inauguration, 2017, that some fifty million would die, this cry was of prophet Daniel's four beast reign.
    -His, hearing a cry, that said again of the fourth beast, the beginning of western rule, having iron teeth, commanded to rise up and eat much flesh, and it did, so much so. It is when God's winepress now begun is finishes it's world around, it will flow to the horses bridles, a calculating totaling of some 175 miles of martyred blood, just know, this staggering terror isn't counting nor calculating the Antichrist's reign. I can only then Paul reiterate holy, revelational to prophetic scripture here, except the lord build the house, except it's upon the foundation laid by Jesus and his holy apostles, that not even the gates of hell shall prevails against it. Surely all such building will burn and great and mighty beyond imaging will be the vast infernos of it that when Apostle Peter witnessed it. It is as though the sun itself descended into it and totally finished it, thus a new Jerusalem, new Heaven and earth, God's Kingdom, reign,, exactly what Jesus told us from the beginning, repenrt or perish.
     -Since Trump took office, it is also that ancient beast reign come into fruition, Obama's depleted administration, heart pounding it's heavens host crying woe, woe woe, the dragon hath final reign. I've warn Kingdom to nation building right now is as the days of Apostle John being revealed what is then prophesied behind Revelation 17, 18, chapters, first befriending her, then turn on her for to destroy her. Of course this was long before I received only days apart both as a word, Revelation 12 sign, a premonition or reinvention of the Bride escaping the Red Dragon reign, as so simply the word Revelation. A reminder not only would God's word, promises and prophecies not return unto Him void, it is also Gabriel 2004, appearing, forewarning the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, clarifying the Brides's heavenly reign into a seventh angel trumpet.
     -As I said earlier, when Elohim come to me, as He'd done with father Abraham concerning an abominable, detestable Sodom and Gomorrah, only also see Noah, Moses, as so prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. I little knew of the outbreak of holocaust the US to western rule has for centuries made of the earth's inhabitants. When only years passed I actually found myself begging God, that if he don't stop Mystery, that is Babylon, America, it's ravenous blood thirst will slaughter the entirety of the Genesis human being. I was in celebration in heaven, like Apostle Paul, whether in my body or out of my body, I don't know, what I know is that celebrations that beggar description were abruptly brung along. I must say, both John's and my witnessed upon a silence in heaven, soon a holy one approach, possibly even Jesus, he said, and I quote, "he want to see you," and I said, who? Then he said, "him."
     -Next I know I'm standing before a mountain God's Throne, where from it I witnessed an illumination like the sun emerge, only Paul it speaks, it's commands as the days of Moses' and again I quote,"let me people go!" This unthinkable reveal is why even before Trump's white house, I was calling Americans into first an altar of Christ, then escape, to vacate all that's practicing western civilization now gone under judgements of God. First for a sudden subtraction of 190 years, then a pale horse judgement to Islamic/antichrist reign. Not only has there been four dunlap street dreams of evacuations into exodus, one featuring Obama, One first lady Obama, one the Little Miya girl, as so my first ever of seeing such the fleeing of Americans. Though there has been just as many of the little miya girl in your rebellious escape vehicles of come apocalypse, one including an eerie transportation in time, era and country right along a toll booth totaling two quarters, all encouraging this final question, got him, got Jesus yet? Beware, Apb, The RAM, see 

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