Monday, April 2, 2018

And The Bird Chirped, He's Here He's Here, He's Here!

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Sia Desrek Allum Roget and Sia Soledad Maurice Roget

The Unending Love Antidote

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy, 1986-2016/17/18

Unto  Desrek Allum Roget and Kiefer Bay Smithsonian was born their son Dillan, Kylan Roget  and a daughter, Robin Zioness Smithsonian 
Unto Soledad Maurice Roget and Kessel Berlin Smithsonian was born their first daughter, Reese Lora lay Roget and a second daughter Cadence Noël Roget 
and a daughter Christian Journey Smithsonian
Unto Collin Hain Johnaanson and Andrea Lorene Gray was born their first son Corte Michael Johansson, a son Nicholas Francisco Johnaanson, and a daughter, Erica Ilesha Gray    

   She weepeth sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks: among all her lovers she hath none to comfort her: all her friends have dealt treacherously with her, they are become her enemies.
                                                             Scene XVII 

     -Jesus is readying to take the Bride off planet any d day now, as in any nano-second now, it all began with one God, one man and on marriage, and it all, all six thousand years of it, finale's into One God, One Man And Marriage, well Marriage supper, the acts of Bride is finished into the two witnesses, the 144,000 and the Tribulation saints, and may God bless all their efforts. It only you guys that Sis Maaseiah's reveal ended with the resurrection of saints and has been tick, tocking us back to the final week of Daniel every since, making more clarity of the backward running clock, a sixty ninth year, laid covertly under the death rider from beneath, possibly the fulfillment Revelation 6th seal and Sia Maaseiah's 99 bowls of molten lava of a mega earthquake, tsunami, right into a yellowstone eruption and America, West Rule is no more, Now we now, whatever extinction levels happen, alone with the Bride, especially Britain, America and Canada will be affected simultaneously, the Bride off to heaven, westerners now this world's refugees like never before. We know Israel is just this cup of trembling right now, have been since Trump December 5th, the first Thanksgiving 2017 award of Matrix ten day count of making declarations of Jerusalem, where only suddenly destruction will follow that has only infuriated her neighbors against her all the more, may always said, the stampeding of elephants had the equivalent of Jesus warning Jerusalem ages ago, that when they shall see the abomination that make desolate they were to flee and stampeding animals is one indication it's time to make a move. Yeah well, since sia maaseiah, very specifically heard it said, "one hour with the beast, just as January 12th 2018 by only minutes passed into it's 13th day, only bro the fifth matrix tenth day thy count, wooo, I didn't see that, anyway I go and do a search on this date, and though nation and world altering and ending events are listed, what's so conveniently not listed is the Hawaii Missile alert, that happen only hours after sia Maaseiah you guys heard those infamous for these two millennials now words, while statement, ah, forewarning, not only world changing, but a for all eternity era changing statement, Well guys, she's been saying it, that just as Obama's was ancient beast reign pending, Trump's is ancient beast fulfillment, so God's prophet Ezekiel fury at him, is he can;t nore save Jerusalem, washington, that he can wedge against and defeat the fulfillment of bible prophecy listen closely you'll hear the age old cry, Psalms 2, why do the heathen rage/ yeah, something Sia Maaseiah imagined king david cried, after he wedged a war against God's will and lost 70, 000 mean, can yall believe an alike death toll for an alike reason, iron men of western civilization waring in disobedience at a lost presently of fifty millions lives, fifty million souls that will not go on into glory unless they've lost their heart to Christ, only most, event after two millennia of lifting up Christ redemptive cross to them, three or more when you count early prophecies, it's more, the prophecy of Jesus goes back to the first ever mention of the woman seed. Though he stood at the door knocking, they have not, no further delay, no more passover deals, the seventh angel trumpet, for three nights straight, yeah, right into the congressmen trainwreck, January 26=29th so a what, like a sixth matrix ten day count, yall know the conspiracy about that trainwreck is not only where they to have been in session, but the locale they were aiming for ws aid to have been fitted with a fallout shelter, if wife Andre, any of that is true, then they were leaving us, the most aware people of the planet being most crafty with staying unaware. But I don't know you guys, with the elephants of staying unaware stampeding, and causing a mighty ruckus, a history of seismic activity throughout the earth, yes, ah Kiefer is right, well don't forget, the reapers bearing swordlike syringes all the better for stampeding come first, actually the dreams of exodus as of dunlap street, of some huge event just stampeding them, come first whose mighty with America's exodus went on to include and went on both the Obama's prior to each of their visits to Memphis, Tn. into a little miya girl being collected from time done lapsed street, that's as of the timetable, 2009, given Obama's of two weeks and seven years, that time was lapsed into America's exodus. There's the giant maze into a single water cooler, of the woman bearing black bowls, as of the vials of revelation 16-17, yeah, only  the predictions of a slow motion exodus, of millions of a Americans getting out, only to take their sweet time, at atms, at filling stations, excetra. There's you guys the most recent, leading into a twelfth matrix ten day count they all being invited to a georgia barbarbe, and by the loads coming, as a matter of fact arriving early, the back parkinglot of an abandoned church, yeah, whose barbecue you want to come to, man's or Jesus, yeah, Jesus ask the woman at Jacob's well, whose water she wanted to drink, one where her thirst would only intensify ingo her death, or one that would satisfy her thirst right into a living springs gusting up into immortal life. It curious right before this invitation was the dream twice of feeding God's people a choice by her of milk or meet, not just people it was teens to early adults, and it was right before their March for life, against gun violence, which too you guys was on aMatrix ten day count, that and the China petroyuan, March 26th, was the twelfth Marix ten day count, with us, the 5th of April coming upon it's thirteenth, Matrix ten day and you guys why our Sia, Desrek Allum say, Jesus is about to take the church, the 13th matrix ten day will fall on the 32th anniversary of the first live demonstration of great gathering of saints of Jesus first appearance to Sia Maaseiah, and she hearing like the apostle john as recorded Revelation 4, a voice like a trumpet saying come up here, only she it three times, by some she recognized as Jesus but who had the appearance of Elohim, God, The father of heaven and earth, so what do we do you guys this final time, how do we additionally warn family and friends how with description urgent this is, that they come out of all territories, north, south, east and west of the Georgian border, why, because Georgia is where Sia Maaseiah witnessed the Jesus' husband escape hers too, before the sweet, sweet chariot carried the righteous of us skyward. Sia Maaseiah also experienced a silence in heaven, only a little ore detailed than Apostle's John, she actually saw what caused a stillness, a cry of God that was uncontrollable, that brought the entire circumference of  a measureless heaven and all it's functions, it's right then mightiest of celebrations, perhaps even the celebration along the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet to a complete stand still until all you could then hear was, "my people are dying, dying and they're being stripped of everything my Christ has brought them, my people are dying, dying and they're being stripped of everything my christ has brought them, before I will strip their leaders and leave them as of the day of their birst. Wow bro, you speak of that event as though you was there, how you think it was bro, I witnessed the Bride reigning in heaven, that it was her, it was sia Maaseiah, that she had in her hands, in her possesion th stone made without hands of Prophet Daniel and King of kings, Nebuchadnezzar, that it had the overall surface of a meteor, that when she prepared to release it, I heard it said, "this is the antichrist murderer," it's the come obliberation, not only of Britain, American and Canada all as sitting ducks in a roll,  this mountain, from heaven, this authentic fear factor will crush to dust and wind all rebellious kingdom, an nation building this entire plant and my wife, my brothers and sisters wives, knowing this, that this is how it all must end, that said end time is now, is as now as sia Maaseiah receiving the two part word judgment now and the single word now as a blinking light of caution, thus the warning as of the hawaii missile and Alaskan sizeable earthquake there is no further delay, cataclysms fixed along a three to four way seizure US soil, is come, Now Soledad as to get back to warning family members again, well, as of Maaseiah's barbecue invite, there have been seen by google earth huge plumes along at least ten states, as though you guys they sudden combusted into fires, whereas from what was seen Georgia state was the exception, it all gones back to sia Maaseiah vision of standing along the bank of rivers and watching it all burn, thus the reference possibly to those 99 bowls of moten with regards to a mega volcano eruption, didn't she, Maaseiah, jus hear about a 10. 2 earth, to a major major earthquake West Pacific Cannda, the most volitile seismic areas this planet right now, what that about? Yall do see it right, the teens March for lives gainst gun violnce event, it's the thirty something fulfillment of Sia Maaseiah' prayer closet, the late eighties, reminding her, if modern technology is allowed to take over the home it's be like parents putting a gun to their chidlen heads and pulling the trigger, and right now, teens this nationm this world over are come aware the Amercan is moot, if they can't control gun violence, and they can't because gun violence is as to reap hundrds of years o h istoric violence sown thus Jesus says, instead, come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, america leaders hundreds of year now, screwed up, like all kingdom nations before them, they failed away from the God of all of gods, worshipped the creature instead, my Christ is lord Andre, how amazing, and to answer you, collin hain, ia Maaseiah like the prophets of ol to the apostle  prophets of Christ many called, few chosen, she can only tll us what she sees and hears, it's god promises how he will not let their prophecies fall to the ground, as in return in vain there is an exodus right, slow movement just as she said but lately into high greer only the commanded reapers as in Ezekiel day will have them running, as t get out of the way and they will, even with Arabs, Asians and Russians threatening into the worse ever of nature, this is peace time in accordance to the predicted rhes three decades doomsday that's to happen. I wrote this, and we're to use the comey togt to them, to our loved ones, and amy it spread like a mega wirld fire for standing just as so ,  here goes, tell me wht you think,    The Brides escape to America's exodus is come,  thus the single word decide. We're fastening upon a 13th Matrix ten day count. So you know, the teens march for life, antiviolence movement and the China petroyuan vote, 03/26/2018, of disabling the dollar worldwide, both world and era changing events both happen on a 12th thanksgiving/black Friday 2017, award, instead of doomsday come, a Matrix ten day countdown. Those redeemed by Christ's blood, having Jesus heart, prophetically will sail away skyward, those who have a zeal for Christ, but not in the heart, the future tribulators. I been telling you, yours, America's is a Moses day exodus, so far all troubles have been for stampeding into exodus, now commanded reapers will target the hearts of all procrastinating America's escape southeast into complete exodus, something described as a Noah cousin, having an extinction level, target you all as well. Target the many who worship God with their mouth as Churchians, but their lifestyles are a trespass against godliness. Jesus promise to disclaim you, you will be left here, the greatest pouring out of Gods wrath. Into just this outbreak of ancient beast/antichrist reign. All as is portrayed the book of Revelation, decide, holiness, Gods Trump Jesus fasten into mansions in heaven. Or apostasy, a covert Mystery Babylon, the American dream, temporarily a blessed truexit, Trump, administration of escape, beware, the Aqua Juttah, Septennial. for we Sia Soledad Maurice are like Abba father,  longsuffering toward them all not willing that any perish, it's prfect like luch it an let it be our last, with Christ taking a million p;us soul off this planet in less than a second, indeed eevry breath we make could be our last, there's this, what is this, I told, he wouldn't remember, just one of those Jesus warn could get up presecuted to executed, I hated for a long time, we dear, as play funly a wrap of her arm into his, was this message of righteousness atvone time too hard both of them, I couldn't stand you as well, just read, Satan know God Hain as well and tremble, knowing God and serving him by Christ's cross. Living a righteous, sanctified life is another blessedness, is Godliness. There are Christian, then there are Americans/Churchians, God is not fooled by our mouth service, but not our hearts, our lifestyles. Know God, by serving Jesus as Lord, I said what I said to encourage you, but If you are a born again Christian, then happy, blessed resurrection day to you all as well, now our time of resurrection is come. Wow, yeah, and like I SAID, smoke was coming out of his ears, then after I read mine own, but truth first does that to people, the parable of the sower, remember?

Jesus love you, us more, Hallejuah!

Gone, before another breath, word, post, passes into another, beware, see here

beware, Apb, The RAM.

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