Saturday, June 16, 2018

Lead Me To The Rock That Is Higher Than I, And Now My Eyes Be Lifted Up Above My Enemies All Around, NOw I Looked To The Hills From When Cometh My Help!,

Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

    -An I heard in my hearing 2007, synchronize Israel, saw it, when it felled to an enemy by the name of Hamath,, witnessed when rump, Pence ticket got a fury as the days of Ezekiel witness rise of Gog and Magog, had the seventh angel trumpet, come talking to Apostle, Prophet John, come and talk come as well, nights, Jan. 26-29th, about no more doomsday Passover US to Western ail, assigned desolation it's mountainous blood guilt, now come  as in now come, beware all along Westernized Civilization God has only blessed escape, God will only bless escape, and as the days of old count it as righteousness,  beware, Apb,,The RAM   

Paul, Apostle Of Christ, Dedicated To All Who's Been Persecuted For Christ

 James Faulkner and Andrew Hyatt in PaulApostle of Christ (2018)  with Jim Caviezel and James Faulkner, 

      When I'm Tossed Upon Lost Sea, And it Always Troubles Me, When It Seem There's No Refuge I can Find, Lead Me To The Rock That Is Higher Than I, And Now My Eyes Be Lifted Up Above My Enemies All About Me, Now I Looked To The Hills From When Cometh My Lord's Help! 

     -Just as I finished watching this movie, only moments ago, beginning with the Physician Luke (Jim Caviezel), placing himself in harm way to be at an imprisoned, aging, soon to be executed by beheading, Holy, Apostle Paul. Miraculously meaning anyone beheaded for Christ's sake get to die in, by the glory of the most loving, upstanding and faithful Apostle Of Jesus Christ, Paul, Apostle. I'd pretty much forgotten about this movie when come a reminder just as I really had a rough day and night of bouncing from one bout to another, these horrid, unexplainable epileptic seizure. But before  I go further, doing this movie I witnessed Luke's character explain to convicted, soon to be executed Christians. 
     -It is how death will only sting for a moment, then we're with Christ in glory forever, only like Jesus's night of gethsemane. As with each of ours surrendering to God an alike cross, it's the walking and passing through the valley of the shadow of death, and even then, even though at times we can't tell, the Lord is our shepherd, the first begotten of the dead, now the blessed dead, our one resurrection, hallelujah. Just as soon I began to doze again into a sleep and as I did I began to hear Janet Paschal, Jimmy Swaggart old, crusade days, singing me again awake, I guess so I could share this comment, "lead me to the rock that is higher than I." (,.
     -As so here, one of my book characters, the earliest of the Genesis Marriage Worshippers, Regan Central, violently raped by her loving fiance, Herenton Egan Lowd the III and left with an unwanted, equally terrifying pregnancy. This love of her heart, whom she additionally watch as of a jealous rage and brutality then slip up in the shower and kill himself, so not only was her intended come a monster unthinkably dead, biblically, he was looking at spending an eternity along a hellish, horror of a  reminder.  So book character, Regan Central, someone, as Christ's, as myself, a warrior along the heinousness of trials equally someone who knows a little about the prison, the heart, mind, blood and soul with a terrifying executioner lingering all about , and mankind with One True Deliverer, Bridegroom, Jesus is Christ. 
     -Oh, did I tell you? Sometime 2015, I was dozing in and out of sleep while watching one of these Jimmy Swaggart's Crusades, Jimmy Swaggart is the one in the late eighties. Honestly, it was while I was warning child care by an epidemic of modern technology soon come as parents holding a gun to their children head and pulling the trigger; now ancient beast sit among them just as other members of the church and home family.  Father Swaggart, I now call him was instead warning, yes some three decades since, parents, daughters seen off to college would return perverted by abominations now voted in and thriving along lakes of fires enlarging itself, the LGBTQ and P for pedophiles, agenda.
      -P for pedophiles, the reminder all unrighteousness is sin, (I Jn. 3, Mat. 7:21-23), there are children of God who no longer practice sin and are righteously judged and bidden to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Evenly, equally so, there are children of the Devil, ( Rev. 2-3rd, chapters, Matrix 2, 3), those who love their lives to death, into judgment and hell, be aware as God, Himself.  Anyway,  this particular 2015 night, as I dozed in and out, just as Father Swaggart began to lead those many in a sinner's prayer. I too began to repeat after him; as in word for word, precept upon precept, only in an unknown language. Even if grief stricken hinder our detection of them, like in my bedroom that 2012 morning, angels of plenty were wrapped all about and around the room, now surely because of a horrible, tragedy dawning. 
     -Then the mornings here lately, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, as of the perfect dangerous man, deceiving many, Jesus the perfect man simply asked, would, they, these for many millennia intravenous angels of divine intervention, would they ascend with the Bride? What is the most blessed thing Angel Gabriel 534, BC, 2004, AD, said to Prophet Daniel just as he began to reveal God's Message of the end time beast and antichrist, all now come, to him? I am come, O Daniel, for thou art greatly beloved," and believe, Apostle, I am, the sound of that, like those angels all around the bedroom, so said to one as battered, torn and belated as God's servants. Although hearing such blessed assurance, this bitter to his taste, no doubt come sweet, so, so, sweet to his digestion would be such an amazing grace until Daniel Himself the Bride arrived face to face with Jesus, His, Our, Christ, be aware, as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM   

   The Ark Of Love, Of Salvation, Regan Central And Phearson McPhearson Our Father In Heaven
                               Regan Central, Our Father In Heaven 
                                                           Scene II   

     “Father,  the only way I’m to understand this unmerited grace out of such a horrid reaping of faithlessness is Christ alone hath gotten us all this indescribable for all of eternity victory, thus not to lean unto our own understanding, this fertile quest of rebellious man. Then you give me him, this inconceivable of a holy man, not to be or practice vainglory I know where I would be without him.”  A praying Regan Central not realizing, but sitting the floor, laying his head into the door post, eyes leaking closed, a smitten heart conjoin to hers, husband was as usual this close. “I fret father I admit, you knowing this heart, you once having given it, but not as fear, for fear is the penitentiary where marshaled at their contrived gates are damning fallen angels. But faith Father, Christ, though it too is a reformatory, it is a true, wondrous freedom of choice guarded and commanded by you of Holy Spirits, this strait gate, path to you, even to our Prince King, I read somewhere, Prince of peace. Somehow and as usual you’ve taken that desecrating the heart and by divine soil, it’s neutralizing blood revised to us a son, a Herenton Egan Lowd the III, so proud of him are parents Phearson Mycal McPhearson and Regan Central Whitehead, as always and forever trusting in all that you do, all glory and honor father be to you. Deliver our soul from the sword, our darling from the power of the dog,  save us from the Lion’s mouth, for thou hast heard us from the horns of the unicorn, Amen precious father, amen.” That when she had finished praying, did she tip toe as discreetly back into the room, calmly eased into the bed, where a pretending to slumber Phearson did lay topside, with her need be, being under protective covers, and gently laid her head into a soothing breath of her pillow even having this slightest smell of him, fully hoping she’d not by him, been detected, so beautiful for situation as always, Regan Central Whitehead, McPhearson.  See More Here,

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