Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Flee Abominations

Congregants Leave Church That Becomes LGBT Inclusive After 14-Y-O Lesbian Girl's Suicide An All Time Low Even For Demons,The LGBTQP Agenda Bullying Christ Into What To Him Are Abominations By Influencing Teen Suicide error/era/error, the multi-colored blinking lights of caution -Then these leaders have not so learned Jesus Christ, but it's fleeing parishioners have. My grands Memphis pastor, Pastor Derrick Davis stand against the LGBTQP agenda, made it spiritually plain, God bless him, all who do. Reigning Jesus in Rev. 2 have threaten horrible judgements for those who leadeth his people into ungodliness. Take for example, after Jesus defended the woman caught in adultery reminding all hath sin, what did he then do, how did he then instruct her, sin is what? Death. This girl is dead because she killed herself, she killed herself because her domestic, educational, religious/governmental to social systems. They not only did not stand against what to God are abominations but actually embraced this wickedness, horribly legalized it, now an open portal to all evil work. When Jesus say suffer the little children and bring them to me, what does the word suffer mean? I discontinued two main subscriptions that my grands depend on for entertainment because of the induction of the LGBTQ and P for Pedophile agenda. Did it hurt me to hurt them, did I feel guilty? Yes, yes, does it hurt these congrants to leave their church? Yes, yes but Jesus, these parents and I love these children more than our own selves. Love is suffering, King Solomon compared love to death, dying, what Jesus did in Gethsemane that night before our bloody cross, then our bloody cross. Like Jesus, like righteousness we are leads, we're either gonna lead natural sin into further the abomination or into God by Jesus' Cross; there's no American Dream in the middle, the middle man/agenda/system is cursed, Jesus said so. The church/home/school/prison system, Government have all failed if it conforms to and not transform from wickedness; and remember, blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God, beware, Apb, see Mat 5, see also here

Just as President Bush was declared, one error inti a new fear factor, inti Obama's rising with Rev. 13, beast, and Trump's having a fuey as shot Gog and Magog at his, his grade has also been shown a in lowercase, bold letters, the word error, beware Apb


   Doing the 29th Matrix, 09/15/16/2018 we're to reconsider the number 7 and read here, beginning Daniel 4;4 for another of God's responses to a now bloody king of all kings, Mystery Babylon world system that must go! Beware The last time Pres. Trump did this, Dec. 3-6, 2017, the first Matrix count, elephants of staying unaware stampeded this abomination that maketh godliness desolate. Awarding us the little Miya girl of post, present, even a procrastinating car, apocalypse. Seeming this nation, this planet been quaking to erupting since, even the Rev. 17/18 Seventh Angel 2018 declared it's the end, no further delays. The last time Pres. Trump made such declarations it got us WW3, only now, Sept. 23-26/2018 a 30th Matrix ten day countdown, and more of Pres. Trump the same, only Armageddon can follow, beware, Apb, see,

Congregants Leave Church That Becomes LGBT Inclusive After 14-Y-O Lesbian Girl's Suicide

An All Time Low Even For Demons,The LGBTQP Agenda Bullying Christ Into What To Him Are Abominations By Influencing Teen Suicide

error/era/error, the multi-colored blinking lights of caution

    -Then these leaders have not so learned Jesus Christ, but it's fleeing parishioners have. My grands Memphis pastor, Pastor Derrick Davis stand against the LGBTQP agenda, made it spiritually plain, God bless him, all who does. Reigning Jesus in Rev. 2 have threaten horrible judgements for those who leadeth his people into ungodliness. Take for example, after Jesus defended the woman caught in adultery reminding all hath sin, what did he then do, how did he then instruct her, sin is what? Death. This girl is dead because she killed herself, she killed herself because her domestic, educational, religious/governmental to social systems. They not only did not stand against what to God are abominations but actually embraced this wickedness, horribly legalized it. When Jesus say suffer the little children and bring them to me, what does the word suffer mean? I discontinued two main subscriptions that my grands depend on for entertainment because of the induction of the LGBTQ and P for Pedophile agenda. Did it hurt me to hurt them, did I feel guilty? Yes, yes, does it hurt these congrants to leave their church? Yes, yes but Jesus, these parents and I love these children more than our own selves. Love is suffering, King Solomon compared love to death, dying, what Jesus did in Gethsemane that night before our bloody cross, then our bloody cross. Like Jesus, like righteousness we are leads, we're either gonna lead natural sin into further the abomination or into God by Jesus' Cross; there's no American Dream in the middle, the middle man/agenda/system is cursed, Jesus said so. The church/home/school/ Government have all failed if it conforms to and not transform from wickedness; and remember, blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God, beware, Apb, see Mat 5, see also here

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