Tuesday, October 2, 2018

From Californians To Grecians Burn Alive, To Philippians And Mexicans Buried Alive To The Aquatic Era And Noah's Cousin Drowning A Shattered Rainbow Vow, Yet People Ask Why?

     -From Californians To Grecians Burn Alive, To Philippians And Mexicans Buried Alive To The Aquatic Era And Noah's Cousin Drowning 1000s Just A Shattered Rainbow Covenant, People Still Ask Why?

The Churchians Verses The Christians


     -Attention All Churchians, Thus Saith The Lord God, 1986, 1998, 2013, 2017, Fall In Love With Jesus’ Blessed Doctrine, Repent Or Perish! www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com

     -Watchman, what of the night, of coming face to face with Apostle John witnessed of the seventh angel, Rev. 10 and Rev 17/18, only as Apostle John witnessed of the mighty angel, the seventh angel Rev. 10, having one feet upon the sea and one feet upon the earth. All so inconceivable, but what's mighty noticeable is the stammering of his feet, even his being, with an urgency indescribable, that there is time no longer, that there are no further these delays, for three nights of it, Jan 26 -29, 2018, ten days as of the revisit of the predicted, 2015, disaster Hawaii, right into the congressman train wreck, still all he's saying is, no further delay, as in no more doomsday Passovers, US soil.
     -There is only beware the Midwest, beware the eastern seaboard, as the inundated with such forewarnings, US, Canada West Pacific. That of knowing, this was the Brides escape, Angel 2004 said, she would come, go with a seventh angel. Instead is again come, an act of divine intervention, explaining seeing her, the millions visited single watercooler,  bearing in her hands, the bowls of Rev. 17, seventh angel, only now black and scorched as they'd been in the fire, but what was she bearing in her upper, right hand pocket, but business cards for better homeless shelters? Beware, Repent, Escape, and may God bless it, Apb   

Prophecy Links

-Alert: seen to be seeing in huge, italic, blocking out the sky, in water down Jesus's martyred blood pink, the single word offer, beware, Apb, see, Jer. 37, 1998

-Alert, seen to be seeing in bold, lowercase letters, the single word error, when Bush's was declared one error into a new fear factor, see Dan. 4, 2018

 -In The Last Days/Gays There Shall Be The Greatest Tribulations This Nation, Planet Ever Or Ever Again! www.whatifdday2014.blogspot.com

-Remember the disciples, Mat, 24, possibly standing Mt Olivet overlooking Jerusalem. There was one time they were admiring the glorious building of the Jerusalem Temple and Jesus steered his way this damaging distraction to attraction saying, a day would come when there wouldn't be one stone left upon another, understand the famed Jerusalem wailing wall is in defiance of this prophecy, meaning one day it will come dust, we shouldn't marvel, that's knowing and staying aware by knowing. With that harsh saying bringing them back to reality, they then asked Jesus, what would be the sign of his coming and of the end of the world?
-From the moment we're born, especially us victims of the free world we're distracted from this harsh reality that just as from the wound we're under a curse of death, so is our cursive planet now speedily receding, this include America. Right now Yellowstone as predicted 2015, even a predicted disaster Hawaii, a burning into Calexit, like all volcanic plates at one time or another, this ELE too is showing itself unprecedented with activity. The kind of fantastic signs that's suppose to alert us to what's abnormal and imminent with danger, that we first get Jesus the protector of our souls and then get out, the surreal of a naturally doomed life, ah blessed Christ, beware, Apb, get Jesus, Get out!

Part Two, Why Master Disasters Keep Happening

   -Holy Spirits brought me back to this harsh reality, not that I'd forgotten but most Americans has, why it's call a day-dream, though its dark, devious, damning. Why we pray God's Kingdom come, God's will be done on earth as in heaven, well. In heaven rebellious men worshipping Satan, stealing, killing, destroying, death and dying has no place in God's. My grand Caden and my Grand Niece were all standing the Frig; wow, when the reapers bearing swordlike syringes were finished with America all was left was a manner of memorabilia one is to hang on the frig. This was 2011, both of these grands 3 or so are now 9 or so, when I begin to hear.
-Do they know, do their children know, though they grew up in free territory, though you their parents grew up in free territory, that their kids will grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America? By this time, spring 2011, I'd been seeing the downing of America mostly by fire like now burning from the West into the east. As so two beast enemies one from land, from from sea, making wars to invasions on US soil, three nights of dreaming, 1998, Arab and Asian. See, they're no longer coming, nuclear, natural and NEO, of ELE's 20 yrs now, actually 30 plus, yrs even Rev, S.A.T., Jan. 2018, say they're all here, no further delay, get Jesus, get out, beware, Apb.

Part Three Why Mega Disasters Just Keep Happening 


      -I looked into this dream ten or so yrs now, this harsh reveal, like a movie it began. The husband and I were leaving this party only he went on while the host was handing me the loan of a bedazzling for all this world, artificial leopard skin coat. Receiving it gladly did I rush right off to catch up with my husband just gone ahead of me. Since I must be short, speedily trying to get back to him, horrified each time I lost and found this stunner coat several times. Every time I lost it other woman of other ethnicities always found it, always come totally overwhelm by it, totally. Until one time, I followed this urgent loss, trail right into a highrise building of a white man’s sickbed and research as of a perverted restroom.
-Surely you asked what happen to getting to the husband? By such distractions, I lost him, actually we did, one glance from the high tower window. I knew, now we knew, this had been the Jesus husband and all distracted by the incredibly stunning loan of the leopard skin had been left stranded; right atop Nimrod's Tower, come Babel revisited upon Mystery Babylon. Now hear a voice go out to Prophet Jeremiah, seen 2003 receiving a war horse from a US General, can the Ethiopian change his skin or the Leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. The prayer for doomed mankind has always been of repentance into blessed death, the second death, judgement, hell hath no more power, like Christ, ye are ascended! Get, Jesus, get out, beware, Apb, RAM

Part Four, Why Extinction Level Events Just Keep Happening


    -Now imagine Jesus saying the Kingdom of God is like this one being cast into outer darkness. Just one turn of her head, her relaxing bed, pillow she's there, how speedily, right? There, where is there? A darkened, hallowed out void of an indescribable possession; just consuming to reinventing the dugout dust surreal of what was once humanity. Not just a Halloween story, it's the blackness but worse than that, it's the void. The abandonment enough you wish for the horrid cries of hell; at least you're not just an all around fritting into NOTHING. Oh and the worst of the worst, there's no way out!
-Make you a test, momentarily shut off everything and just sit and listen to the silence of your neighbors moving about. Happily hear a dog is barking nowhere near you, get tickled, some kids just walked by,; yes, yes the lights from a car passing and the ice maker is doing it's usual thing. These are all senses we take for granted, even that plane flyover and the train way, way in the distance. All the sounds of life, taken for granted especially when you're now captured into an arcade, echoing blankness, a single sound is golden and that glow, just maybe Jesus come for you, beware suiciders to sinners of climbing up to God other than Christ's Cross, get Jesus, get out, Apb, The RAM

Part Five. Why Five more Disasters? 2013,

  -As of outer darkness, I said sounds, noises are golden and that glow maybe Jesus no longer hanging on the edge of throne seat but coming for you and me. Soon I was standing before a mountain, a sunlight rising God's Throne which began to speak and say as Moses' day, let my people go! There is a scripture in psalm, we think these saints are just being clever to genius when they're ministering from experience. The Psalmist, some say King David, others say King Solomon, possibly others, but here is said, thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. This descrip of God is what come as I was then lead out of outer darkness. The more I was lead, the more I followed, I had no I ideal it'd been written, but under my feet, were light prints unto there come a light to my path all around. Born into.

-Though soon out of black void reborn a walk in God's Revelation. Therefore all around for as far as I could see, line upon line, precept upon precept, from condemned flesh to Royal Priesthood. Eyes hath not seen it is also written, ears haven't heard, neither hath it entered into the hearts of man what God has in stored for His Lovers. What did the sunlight mean, who or what was this mountain? Jesus explained his coming would be with the stars as comets, meteors, asteroids and mountains from heaven. How Jesus's very sunlight will consume Gog and Magog where they stand to battle; only the truth sets us free, enabling us to from all such ELE's, stampede! Beware, Apb, The RAM.

Part Six, Why Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis and NEO's Keep Happening?,


   -The slow motion exodus, into the woman, bearing Rev. 15-17, now black bowls and a single divine offer, God is trying to tell us what? Easily it's as the days of Noah, Moses, Abraham's Lot and Nimrod's Tower of Babel. Like all those examples have in common it's time to go, stampede, RUN! all. What did you alI think when I witnessed the Matrix ten day count, a little Mayan girl assigned to your stubborn escape vehicles and most concerning an invitation March 13, 2018, to US states of pending barbecue to instead get into Georgia state. So as to revisit the escape by the Jesus Husband June 26, 2015 moving some to Georgia or into to Heaven. I don't know if you've calculated but that's about as far from a threatening West coast, midwest, to mid south and the eastern seaboard one can get. Unless by Jesus' blood you got invitations skyward, the marriage supper of the Lamb. I've been in the midst of such phenom celebrations in heaven, only it was interrupted by a silence in heaven. Soon this holy one approached, said he want to see you, I said who?

-He said him. The next I know I'm transported along a mountain God's Throne, from which a blinding sunlight rises and begin to speak and say as Moses' burning bush, let my people go. You ask sunlight or you ask mountain or you ask black bowls? To be honest at the onset of these reveals I'm just as oblivious and resign to tell you all what I see, hear. King of king Babylon worst of all night terrors was of a mountain made without hands He witnessed tossed into the earth, plough into and finish all Kingdom, nation building past, present and future ALL, into ashes, dust and wind. The prophet Malachi speaks of a Sunlight of God arriving with healing in His Wings, while it's described of Jesus how he will destroy Magog's army with the brightness of His coming. As well, the Jesus I saw spring 1986 did have healing wings, some say for gathering, I say for speed. Tell me if you know of any approaching NEO anomaly that fit such descriptions? Get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

Article, 72 Hour Warning- What Will Happen When Planet X Nibiru Arrives


Part Seven, Why The Worst Of The Worst Just Keep Happening

-What did y'all think of the stampeding of elephants its first Dec. 24/25 2001-Nov. 24/25/2017, award, the Matrix ten day countdown? Let me be honest, when I first heard planet X description it's size, scope, it having its own solar systems with orbiting planets, I said that must've been what Apostle John witnessed as a new everything, even Jerusalem. I was looking at this video, the planetary scientist showing an ancient tablet of what look like a carving of the planetary being Planet X and his evidence of deeming it a hoax was that this ancient aware didn't fit the planetary body then or now present and I said, then the carving was prophetic of what was to come and is come.

-Did you all know the Rev. 12 sign that designed itself as of our planetary body wasn't only.predicted 2000 years past, but it's a constellation that predates man for some seven thousand years, with Jesus reign being a seventh millennium of humankind. I explained earlier one of my earliest visions consisted of a scientific equation on both sides of Jesus's name being in the middle; words like cerus, Ci-buna, Sirius, curriculum us bombs, brown dwarf coupled this image as well. Though most extraordinary the morn of Feb. 14, 2015, I look in a dream and I’m seeing the Antichrist in great prowess and unstoppable he will kill all but instead I look the more. The Bride is now reigning in heaven and in her command is the stone cut out without hands and you know, it has the surface of a meteor and when she prepare to release it you hear this is the Antichrist murderer.
-Only the same Magog, Jesus is to destroy with the sunlight of his appearing just know the first of these death tolls are pending US/Western soil right now for tolls in the tens of millions its weight of blood guilt that when the predicted 2015 West Pacific Plate and disaster Hawaii shall began to go with plentiful nuclear force that domino's right along all other faults and plates at limit right into an eastern seaboard pronounced gone as well, this shall be the end. I tell you I woke one morning no memory of anything, no rewind into that previous simply hearing and this shall be the end! Though I woke another, same story simply chanting, we will build an ark! Get Jesus and get out! Beware, Apb

Part Eight, Why Does The Earth Keep On A Chaotic End Of Itself And Ir's Mankind?

-What did yall think of the stampeding of elephants its first Dec. 24/25 2001-Nov. 24/25/2017, award, the Matrix ten day countdown? Let me be honest, when I first heard planet X description it's size, scope, it having its own solar systems with orbiting planets, I said that must've been what Apostle John witnessed as a new everything, even Jerusalem. I was looking at this video, the planetary scientist showing an ancient tablet of what look like a carving of the planetary being Planet X and his evidence of deeming it a hoax was that this ancient aware didn't fit the planetary body then or now present and I said, then the carving was prophetic of what was to come and is come.
-Did you all know the Rev. 12 sign that designed itself as of our planetary body wasn't only.predicted 2000 years past, but it's a constellation that predates man for some seven thousand years, with Jesus reign being a seventh millennium of humankind. I explained earlier one of my earliest visions consisted of a scientific equation on both sides of Jesus's name being in the middle; words like cerus, Ci-buna, Sirius, curriculum us bombs, brown dwarf coupled this image as well. Though most extraordinary the morn of Feb. 14, 2015, I look in a dream and I’m seeing the Antichrist in great prowess and unstoppable he will kill all but instead I look the more.
-The Bride is now reigning in heaven and in her command is the stone cut out without hands and you know, it has the surface of a meteor and when she prepare to release it you hear this is the Antichrist murderer, only the same Magog, Jesus is to destroy with the sunlight of his coming just know the first of these death tolls are pending US/Western soil right now for tolls in the tens of millions it's weight of blood guilt. That when the predicted 2015 West Pacific Plate and disaster Hawaii shall began to go with plentiful nuclear force that domino's right along all other faults and plates at limit right into an eastern seaboard pronounced gone as well, this shall be the end. Beware, Apb

Part Nine, Didn't Jesus Say, As Of His Coming There Would Be Earthquakes In Divers Places, Including Yours! http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/09/prophecy-links-seen-to-be-seeing.html

-I tell you I woke one morning no memory of anything, no rewind into that previous simply hearing, "and this shall be the end!" Though I woke another, same story simply chanting, "we will build an ark!" So from the woman bearing black bowls in her hand but in her upper right hand pocket is an offer of business cards for better homeless shelters. Then you listen, the Jesus of Resurrection snatching the Bride up to him and He's sighing in my father's house are many mansions, that were I am you might be also. I need y'all every time.I share the mountain, the sunlight God's Throne as Moses burning Bush, I'm reminded of the vision 2003, a fire from prison bars like a sword that targeted Prison Bush.
-As so there's the reapers bearing sword like syringes targeting all not or as they are stampeding judging some, ascending others with the sword being a symbol for war, ...and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: the blazing, tearing, fiery replenishment of the word of God! So just another reminder, as the 2005 pileup of tide containers, as the 2015, piled up of text messages, now Jesus is here, as the 2018 piled up bodies, now, 2018, a red shock, all the edge of my prayer bed, and he satan will bruise his heel, the bloodying of Trib Saints, put ye on the whole armor of God, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, as in the truth, as in th two edged sword.
-This is your life, you're sitting now three years to the exact date and month the moving to Georgia or heaven stream, chillingly revisited March 13 2018, a 29th Matrix as an invitation from US. States of barbecue instead into Georgia, so you're in the safest place not as a scientist say but were a Jesus's husband had landed me, so as Noah's Arafat, Moses Sinai, Lots mountain, as i'm sharing this I hear in my ear, mount Carmel, and learn as in Mount Saint Elias/Elijah, and Jesus mount Olivet of second returns, etc., all. represented by a mountain and a rising sunlight God's Throne come ro relieve us of all rebellion, the heathen, the devil, the demons, Gog and Magog this grand finale and all you can hear now from seventh Angel is the kingdoms of men are now the kingdoms of God and His Christ and they shall reign forever, with Jesus millennial seen descending into an Barack, Michelle reign at a loss of 15% US soil.
-These staggering death tolls would include, two thirds of it's Israelis soil and two quarters the billions this earth's inheritance, and such the phenom intervention is gonna be asked by His people about the friendly holes in his hands. That remind me, I looked into a dream days past, I saw a huge, blocking out the sky, in bold floodwater down of Jesus’ Martyred blood, pink letters, the single word offer. Jesus Cross was always this making an offer, repent or perish, passed into the moving either to Georgia or into heaven dream, now there's the woman offer of mansions in heaven over the black bowls, of the greatest of tribulation and outbreak of mortuary ever, EVER! We’re talking 175 miles of martyred blood, the thrusting in sickle of 42 months God's winepress alone with the Antichrist 42 months of bloodletting yet pending, repent or perish lest we marvel at the single word decide or even Gethsemane, beware, Apb, The RAM

Part, Ten, The Slow Motion American Exodus At Practice While They Perish, What Of It?

-No more trials please, how blessed it would be if the worst ELE predicted to happen, happens while they practice. But faith in God don't work that way, Lot's wife given lesson is that we trust God to the point we could run with blind folders on. Be like Jesus only running on the water and wouldn't know it until some say, hey you're running on the water and you say you can too, blindfolds on please. Holy Spirit showed the country in a slow motion exodus of a commanded as Moses day, I been seeing two and a half decades my 30 plus years ministry. They both happen simultaneously, the ELE's of the Bride's escape and America's total exit. I guess this is what a turtle get away would look like, being only a trial. Truth is, I believe America is under a Noah's day, Abraham's Lot, Moses exodus; Jesus Cry, Mat. 24, that we flee and God’s cry, Rev. 18, that we come out of whore judgement, so a divine mandatory exodus.
-Whereas President Trump is so possessed with keeping his campaign promise he's gonna watch tens of millions of Americans die. Then if he's alive it still wont matter and if dead and you're possessed by his possession, ss in hearts, eyes off of God, you two will have hell cells a long side each other. see here, http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah-xxvii.html and here, http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah-xxviii.html; Phew, I just imagined with so many Americans dying suddenly there is possibly a sizable area in hell reserved just for them. That wouldn't be odd, we already know Gog and Magog armies will be buried at hamon-gog, God don't play, when he said corruption sown, weight of blood guilt reaped He mean it, many kingdom nations these many millennia he has been wiped off the planet are proof, see the No. 7, and read Dan. 4:4, only king of kings Babylon then is king of kings Mystery Babylon, America, now, beware Apb, get Jesus, get out!

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