Friday, October 5, 2018

And He Moses Called The Name Of The Place Massah, And Meribah Meaning Testing And Quarreling

Articles, the 21 Matrix, Rev. 21,  June, 23-26, 2018, the third anniversary of escaping either to Georgia or Heaven, revisited March 13 -16, 2018, an 11th Matrix, as an invitation from US states of barbecue into Georgia and a debated, African coast: Article, June 23, 018, house passes opioid epidemic  package Article I explained seeing Ezekiel 9, type reapers, bearing sword like syringes chasing stampeding people down stabbing at the heart, possibly judging and ascending that when this judgement was finished, nothing was left of America  
Article, the 21 Matrix, Rev. 21, June, 23-26, June, 24. 2018, Kushner says Israel-Palestine peace plan coming soon, Article, (I explained doing the elephants of staying unaware stampeding only minutes before Trump's declaration of Jerusalem and the US embassy, and in the sharing and quaking of it in the dream lost a handle of an artistic Carter, i said it referenced Pres. Carter's alike peace, pact efforts, I also said, Palestine's Abbas referring to eight leads was referring to the ancient beast system, rising into Obama's, reigning by, doing Trump, that will again produce the ten kings, America, West rule not included,  that will realize this 42 month each of this non aggression pack
Article, the 21 Matrix, Rev. 21, June, 23-26, June, 25. 2018, Erdogan declares victory in Turkey's elections, Article, (during the intrepid dream weight of blood after an extinction level event send both the Bride and American/Western rule off this planet, one by grace, one my wrath, and a pale horse judgement followed until prophet Daniel final week of years be fulfilled, after these world rulers the Bride, West rule were no more, leaders as Erdogan, leaders as of Arabia took rule over the earth, I witnessed it, see,    

Here, Little Miya Girl Of Translation, the end of all kingdom nation building, into Jesus millennium reign

     Prophecy Link,

    -September 15/16/2018, a 29th Matrix, dozing I looked and saw a single number 7, nothing else in particular, i woke and dosed off again, before waking an hour or so later, I heard in my hearing, Daniel 4:4, only when you begin to read, understand then this forewarning, interpreted by Prophet Daniel was then toward king of kings Babylon but here, no, it's toward, king of kings Mystery Babylon, America, she now as Babylon then will decease as a superpower this earth until Daniel final week of years passes over, only then is come, Jesus' 1000 year reign, beware, Apb,

Taken By Lock Of The Hair, The Christmas Carol Of America's Doomsday Come

     -Alert: seen to be seeing in huge, italic, blocking out the sky, in water down blood pink, the single word offer, beware, Apb, see, Jer. 37, 1998
    -Alert, seen to be seeing in bold, lowercase letters, the single word error, when Bush's was declared one error into a new fear factor, see Dan. 4, 2018

     -Doing America's Commanded Moses Day Exodus, When The Sunlight, From Behind A Mountain God's Throne Spoke To king of kings Mystery Babylon, Western Rule, America, Again As Moses Day Says, Let My People Go Into Exodus, And May Elohim God, As The Days Of His Servant Abraham, Bless It, 


     -Only God, and let everything on this planet that hath breath then praise him is the first and the last, the beginning an the end, the alpha and the omega, and according to Revelation 17;17-18, not only does he influence ancient beast that then influence giant men, He's been describing from Daniel's Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon into here present Apostle Bradford's Westernized Mystery Babylon how by a mountain from heaven nothing will be left of them all, all kingdom nation past, present and pending is ashes, dust and wind,  eventually like king of king Nebuchadnezzar I would elect to worship this above all and find Jesus the only designed blood reconciliation to ever reigning  in His Throne and new heaven, earth and Jerusalem, Kingdom come down.
     -Is it a coincidence or it is not? That America's weight of blood guilt, Christmas eve, day, 2001, that until 190 months be fulfilled whose then judgment, sentence, doomsday would've fallen on Oct. 10, 2016, only the judgement was until 190 months and 40 days which put America's doomsday come, at Thanksgiving and Black Friday 201. Only when I say black Friday,  i need you to go back to Pres. Bush's war on he axis of evil and he encouraging weary Americans to go and shop, while i was encouraging them according to prophecy, Rev. 11, one day a Hussein wold father the nation and rule the world. 
     -Only that arrogance suggested by axis of evil casting out sin was then mocked by an award of an 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour, that while they made mockery of martyring Islamic blood, holy spirit was showing them what they too would reaped their US military loved ones facing the worse of torture vehicles, as to be placed on a barbaric pulley, attached to their navels, (stripped as in the days of their birth, 1993), and when the pulley swing open nothing is left of them but ity, bitty pieces of blood, guts and bones, for example, see the September 11 attacks. Just as so, when said sentence of doomsday had again reached it's crescendo , an outbreak of ELE"s to mortuary US/Western soil, instead that very thanksgiving night 2017, to it's black Friday. 
     -I looked in a dream where I saw a Matrix Screen of the number ten, I, well we, Rev. 17/18, Mystery Babylon America was being granted a Rev. 2, church Smyrna, that if they in ten days times endure a tribulation that was to come, Jesus would grant them a crown of life, so being granted was a Matrix ten day count every 10th day act of tribulation would bring us closer to doomsday, so every 3 until,  13 until and 23rd until, of each month, so 1-22 Matx as Rev.1-22 Chapts, open, now it's 31st Matrix. The morning I saw elephants of staying aware, stampeding along a mud path the wilderness of sin, erupting, quaking and shaking the earth even now, Krakatau being going over a month straight and just a day, there were 8 to 10 new eruptions in one day.  
     -Such a ruckus the stampeding of elephants, so much so, I lost a handle on an artistic nephew Carter was lost, not only was this the first Matrix ten day count, Dec. 3-6, 2017,  this was just before President Trump and Palestine's Abbas tug of turf wars and Jerusalem/US Embassy, come the pending of the ten headed beast amalgamation of world leaders  rising with Obama's total administration, until Trump's administration, is it's reign into biblical prophecy finale, come is Jesus reign. So when you said, you're not saying it's the end of the world, I responded I am, when you said, you're not saying drop everything and run for the hills, I said, I am.
     -Then I remembered it is not I, at all saying these things, though holy messengers of God, just as 2002, not only did I hear THEM describe the Enron debacle as an attack, I then heard it suggested, pensions be dropped and people instead get to the hills! Since as lately as 2016, I've seen, all pulpits, porches, money markets, and the crystal skies, infested with Godzilla type mutant beast, tearing, chomping and stomping all though all they treasure above God, heard a voice say, I have a bear in 120  countries, even that one compared to Rev. 6. 6th seal, a world stretching, mountain melting earthquake, only in my dreams, seeing something similar, I entitled it the phoenix,
     -Now for the month of November, I looked into a dream Obama, Clinton , 2013,  it was my son, born Nov. 4th, 1975, (see petrodollar 1974 until now) and he was feature as a paperboy, riding a bike. One whose handlebars was attached upon by a funeral reef that leaped into the stratosphere with its death toll, now when I say handlebars. Realize, we're talking about a dream I had during Bush, 2003, whereas I then witnessed handlebars being treated with axis grease as to disallow Russia and China, again clearly I saw this. Still when I say newspaper boy 2013, as in an insurmountable death toll of Westerners as of the petrodollar of bloodletting. Just before Hawaiians would have the living hell scared out of them, not by a fake incoming missile alert, but by a caught on video actual inbound missile alert.
     -Within these hours before is the ongoing forewarning of extinction level events pending, further doing these dreams when my other Memphis son, said with concern the downtown newspapers bells were ringing. Remember, this is Jan 13-16, 2018, a 5th Matrix, as to open Rev 5, so now 9 months past, into a 31st Matrix, he's again referring to the through heavens ceiling death toll, by a predicted 2015, both disaster Pacific Ring of fire and Hawaii, that has been the eruption that has broken the camel of all active seismic zones and volcanic plates with US soil, the North America Continent alone sitting on just too many of these pending ELE's to count, though areas forewarn, by the Rev,.10, Rev, 17/18 seventh angel, 2018, beside the US West to Canada Northwest was the Midwest and the eastern seaboard.
     -Pretty much anyone not as far southeast as Georgia into Africa's coast and of course, Heaven will be counted with the fifty millions US soil, doing Bush, Obama's and Trump's Nov. 4/8 2016 election and the morning of his Jan, inauguration, 01/22/2017, my Nov. 4th, born, eldest son, his eldest born daughter's BD., 01/22/2017, I heard it said again, fifty million will die, why I deemed Trump's a Truexit, Hillary's a Hilexit and the Bride's a Brexit. When I first heard about Planet X, it being a planetary body which had it's own it's own solar system, holy Lords this witness, I said that must be what apostle John saw, (Rev. 21;1, 2, if was a Matrix 21, this date would be, June 23-26th, 2018, what happen? 
     -Ah, my god, first, that would be the third anniversary of the Jesus' husband, 1986-2016/17/18, June 26 2015, like as to Lot's family, moving loved ones into Georgia before taking the Bride skyward, ah my God, whereas it was also shown an ETE, see, also, Rev. 4:1, for the Bride of September, 23-25th). Of course when Apostle john witnessed a descending new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem. I mean Jesus did explain to disciples this heaven and this earth would past away, and when been praying since Jesus taught us to pray, God thy kingdom come, thy, HIs Will be done on earth, as in heaven. 
     -In conclusion, doing the Dec. 24/25/2001 until No 24/25/2017, now an Oct. 3-10, 31st, matrix, intrepid dream the great gathering of saints, known as the rapture also happen and everything US soil for a lost of 190 years, everything suddenly grind to a screeching halt. I'm taking like the rapture was itself an earth stretching CME and the world indefinitely was no more, these earth enders happening simultaneously reminds how speedily it all suddenly reach it's prophetic fruition. This could be the evidence of the dreams of flirting and courting Keanu Reeves movies, first the Matrix into threatening, AI, now, 'The Day The Earth Stood Still.' 
     -Which was about a divine entity though he was changed from extincting man, man's doomed fate is prophetically into a great white throne judgement, pending, this purported god man left unworthy mankind in a back to the beginning by seeming by a cosmic manner of a CME scenario. as of suddenly standing the whole world still, just as I witnessed doing the Brides by the Seventh Angel, 2018, heralding trumpet any Matrix ten day, doomsday, escape, thus the seeing 2017, of all great innovations in the sink as oe is to wash dishes, this wash, wipe, out.  

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