Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Unthinkable, To Unsinkable Satanic to Demonic Infiltration Of Storing Up Treasures In Heaven

    -Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 12/06//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

     -Listening To: Pentatonix, Mary Did You Know?, to Clay Aiken's, O Holy Night, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World,

Blessed Is He That Waiteth And Cometh To The Thousand Three Hundred and Five and Thirty Days, Daniel, 12:12.

     -All Viewers Beware, Ancient Beast, The Lion, The Leopard, The Demon Dog, All Posing In The Home As Friendly, Trusted Pets, This Unthinkable. Unsinkable Satanic to Demonic Infiltration

No Winter's Cold, Can Stop The Spring Rapture, Assured Holy Spirits, Wait Upon The Lord Christ

     -So what exactly is he guilty of, being an Islamic, African, American who was predestined and sat as America's President for two consecutive terms, so who is God, actually? I know one thing one, if either of these ethnicities, the Arab, the African or the American ever felt wronged this world in any capacity, any era, his being world leader, sitting its most powerful brought all such arguments kinda full circle, don't you think? Of course making God the genus as usual, I know, only now, we exodus; since before he took office I prophesied doing Bush a Hussein would one day father this nation, again it was, is and is right of Trump's Jerusalem move coming all the more so. Islamic reign, it's complete fruition as of Revelation 11:1, 2, Jerusalem would suffer it's courtyard lost to it's Arab neighbors for 42 months of the last time of nation building this entire planet, that will past into a 42 month additional reign of the Antichrist. As even of, as America's blood guilt, December 25th 2001,weighed, found guilty, it too given over to an Asian to Arabian reign, meaning none of this is going the way it seem.
     -Evenly why Bush war turn into a Hussein rule of 84 months and two weeks, US world rule, now see this,; I been forewarning for a time it is as the days of Revelation 17 and 18 from nation building to US soul then we get a Matrix screen 10 day countdown on November 25th, 9 to 10 days later Trump make this move to announcement as so does Abbas makes his, no doubt calling the tens heads into endtime synchronization, as surely as Israel. I hope you all realize that for Antichrist as I've warn to be setting up his cabinet and for s certainty he is, just as Trump, for as long as Trump. Surely Obama's dwindled two weeks and seven year 2008 timetable, the ten heads, eight of which Abbas summoned here lately for help. Or was it, you were all too busy playing ring around the antichrist to notice? Meaning the grandest of chest moves between creator and creation this earth, along an arduous check mate is being played, only then bringing the Antichrist into the deadliest of men's slaughter yet, and to be honest they seem too anxious about it's outbreak of mortuary, shown this slow motion exodus of procrastinating.
    -I still say we ought to be more concern with whose to follow the reign of the antichrist, sit just a bit and I'll give you a little note here or there. First, I can tell you one thing about Obama's administration which was somewhat concerning, not too long past. A decision in the air for all to see, whether to act as Syria's to Russia's ally against the terrorist, when it was purposely said and written for our admonishment that it took Obama's a decision of exactly an hour. The exact amount of time it'll take the antichrist to place ten specific leaders in the position of Kings, you see the meeting of nations, of just one of the dreams doing Obama's campaign. Where I as other world leaders sat face to face with him, I've since wondered, was I just as Obama/Hussein was being declared "the one," was I then, a world leader by God's throne's standard, being made a party to that very prophesied beastly, hour? (Rev. 17).
     -On surreality, as of the two beast of Revelation 13, of which I witnessed rise doing Obama's campaign and go further into fruition until his timeline was finished, 06/26/2015. Cleverly, this was two weeks before breaking news of Britain's Cameron, Syria's Assad and Putin's Russia, again, Heavenly Father's brilliance, Right into Cameron's Brexit, even Trump's Truexit, of Apostle's crying aloud and louder ESCAPE! Then I can just hear, sincerely, it is father, Jimmy Swaggart my days of youth, Christ's Cross, as he spill his revelation about bible prophecy. His is constant the reminder, God is always in control, how there never is a time He's not in control of all of them, as Apostle John is seeing, hearing, Revelation 17, how God will move these leaders as will. Equally, possibly why doing the death rider dream, 1996, I was told plainly not to fret myself, but rather to, trust, delight and commit, and commit "AND GOD WOULD! What I can't say about Obama's bloodline, I can say about it's Hussein's genealogy, in 2008 declared "the one."
     -I definitely believe into the fact I have actually seen, that it, Hussein (Islam), indeed has a world rule yet pending, there is no other explanation for witnessing Jesus' Millennium descend into it, a Hussein (Islamic) Reign. Though, whether it's Barack Obama the Moses or Barack Hussein the rebellious, end time world, Pharaoh of all gone before, ever to come, yet remain to be seen. Just remember, doing Bush's, this was after the forewarning of a Hussein, US reign, by a dream, I witnessed a huge container fall and crush Saddam Hussein. Then heard it cry in my ear, and soon announced word for word on live media, he, Saddam was injured and wouldn't recover, then Barack Hussein Obama, took this world's by it's rein/reign. As Apostle was saying, we ought to be more concern with whose to follow the reign of the antichrist, sit and I'll give you a little note here or there.
     -Even as to take him down at the battle of armageddon and finished them all, all rebellion in a matter of hours, a twilight of day where at evening time there is total Sunlight of God as world, rule this entire planet, and as has been prophesied, it is for a thousand years. This is why 2015, just as I witnessed the Antichrist in great prowess something that must indeed happen, whether it's Obama, Kushner or the pope himself. It's just one of those biblical events that must certainly come to past, heretofore the cry lately not only that all parents be killed by a certain time but that all schools be finished. All with every timetable so far, though Jesus did threaten to kill rebellers children with the mercy of the second death, falling around a school break, one way or another. So surely, the most concerning sight, after that of Antichrist reign, was of the Bride now reigning in heaven, having in her possession the stone cut out without hands of King Nebuchadnezzar's (world leaders), worse fear-factor.
     Having the surface of a meteor, that when She released it, I heard in my ear, "this is the antichrist's murderer," just this foreseeable glory to unthinkable horrible, see more here,  Obviously, as not to count the prohesied Asian invasion, the 99 bowls of molten lava, here lately, a Noah (NOAA's) Cousin, simpy all the horrors of the Christmas Carol dream, see that here (; yet all this atop Jeremiah's forewarning of Jacob's troubles, Ezekiel's Gog and Magog, Daniel's Little Horn, Zechariah's Mount Olivet, and Apostle John's seven headed, ten crown beast/eighth kingdom. Only with that worse of all of this unimaginable to imagine, Elohim's come righteous judgment beginning Apostate assembly, US soil, commanded to fall in love with God, (kiss Christ's Cross, kiss it, Apb). For a certainty, of being forewarn lately that He's, God's wrath is reaping martyred blood, all flesh hurriedly come holy spirits, get to Christ's altar, as no flesh will stand.
     -Plainly, we're not talking just tens of millions it would seem, again US soil alone, that is only the beginning, but tens of Billions of people could lose their souls with their lives. Therefore woe to all overseer not forewarning this, woe, as Elohim found sobbing uncontrollably behind a silence in heaven, not only are His People being stripped of all things Christ's Jesus, how in turn He's to strip all their leaders as in the days of their birth! It's the equivalence of the Prophet Ezekiel, (Apostle Bradford, 1998) witnessing how treasures come so worthless, as best to store them in heaven, that people tossed it all, gold, silver away like it was nothing but reaching for the wind. As so least I forget, there's Apostle's Peter's predicted, fiery apocalypse that's to finish planet earth entirely, so there is then no wonder, Jesus' cried simply, repent or perish, God's Kingdom (a New Genesis Man, a New Jerusalem, a New Heaven, a New Earth), God's Kingdom reign. Be aware as God, Himself, now more slow motion exodus, elephants are stampeding, get it, get Jesus and get (ascend) out of it, Apb, The RAM, see also here,

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