Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Most Important Day Ever, See The Garden Of Gethsemane In Decision

     -Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 12/19/2017
Seen to be seeing the Bride in heaven, readying the specialty stone, the Antichrist Murderer
Righteously Dividing The Enemy

 -Lay A Siege, For The Wickedness, It Hath Done,

     -Listening to Mistletones, Please Come Home, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S01XHLhXIdo Jennifer Hudson's O Holy Night, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DbZWRSDdIw, Carla Tomas, Gee, Wiz, It's Christmas, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DurNzCqdde4 Pentatonix, Carol Of The Bells,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSUFzC6_fp8

Prophecy Links,

    -And I heard in my hearing, 2005, "Asteroid, destroy Wisconsin, (West Constantly sinning), there's something about a ball of fire, 12/18/2017, or a fire ball, added to the word Meteor, only a few days ago, so those alien dangers warn of the Jesus' husband, 2013, come more active. Remember the stone cut out without hands I witnessed being readied to launch, had the surface of meteor, not only so, speaking of fireballs. I was reminded of the fiery extinction level event Apostle Peter witnessed happen to this planet, completely disappearing it, all indicative of Apostle John's witness of a New Jerusalem, A New Heaven and Earth, A New Man, Hence God's Kingdom Reign,psot Jesus's Millennium, beware, Apb...

The Most Important Day Ever, See The Garden Of Gethsemane In Decision

    -"If you Nicholas had to guess the most important day ever or ever heaven and earth what would it be? Just what babe are you asking me? Well since I love this stunning chest so much I'll give you a hint, we spoke of it only a few days ago. ah, Gethsemane, see there, you do listen to me, I told you. Well, some would say Jesus' birth, all the way back to the conversation a feeling betrayed Elohim is having between the serpent which is Satan, now come man's cursed seed, cursed Nicholas, procreation. Then there's the first mother, Eve, the woman's seed, the only way God, birth as the Christ child, can again restore the Genesis human being/marriage, bloodline. As so, so many other important days from then until now, but Jesus' greatest trial is being torn between one of two lovers, man's free will versus God's Will. Remember Jesus warning that we cannot serve two masters, for one we would love and the other we would hate? How man cannot serve both God and money, thus and so Nicholas, lay up all your treasures in heaven. That's what I heard, I heard in my ear while I was waking, "the most important day ever," only right this second with so many demonstrations of rapture and it's expectancy just at this record high, many would choose that day now come as the most important. I Tiffany had a vision as well, there was like this bag full of little, golden trinkets, only it felled/failed, spilled, come out Tiffany most of all was a wedding ring now broken, but still of use, I even placed it on my emptied finger, now what does that mean and, and Mrs. know it all, if you'd not received Gethsemane as a word recently would you have yet figured the mystery of this  most important day? Yes, yes I would've, there is Nicholas only one and all other historic days either lead all babel into it, or is the very result of its abominable mystery Babylon of whether Jesus had never chosen God's will over His Own. Here verifying the most sustaining of all biblical facts, that He, being as well human being, as He was Holy Spirit, did indeed have one, a Will of His Own, thus tempted at all points as we are. You remember Nicholas one of the words I received lately was simply, 'DECIDE,' and we're right back in the garden of Eden, the wilderness to desert of Jesus' 40 days of temptation, as so we're right back in the garden of Gethsemane In Its decision making. I was talking to Sia Juttah Christian Cros, when suddenly I was reminded of the various dreams Nicholas I've had simply about wildernesses and though I didn't see it, they're all those crafted of men's indecision. America, Western rule is like a Titanic of double mindedness, even heartedness right now, though the captain, the engineer, the designer and a few good men all know the kind of unthinkable to unimaginable scope of urgency, even that life threatening of what is happening. Just as well, the panic might be slow and gradual, but all guess rich and poor are beginning to feel the pressure, even thinking, there's a chance they just might not survive this. Though it being the American Titanic pleasures and merrymaking as usual reassures them in ways that could cause them the greatest treasure this planet ever, or ever again, the living soul abiding along or within the cursed flesh and blood of them. So, while we Nicholas await the last Trump, both God's, Jesus and Americas come exodus, President Trump, I Nicholas have to make this distinction, you'll be surprised how many millions have convinced themselves, how it is, President Trump is God's Trump. Plainly, when it was their vote that placed him in office, all well doing Obama's, they were suppose to be stampeding toward altars and the nearest exiting of anything America come world ending judgements. Without question Nicholas, this is Elohim casting a fury at it's instead presidential campaigning knowing some fifty million souls were instantly threaten, tens of millions US soil alone. Thus the cry Tiffany, making many, like Satan, angry, knowing all time has lapsed, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, the age old point where no flesh presidential to peasant is safe, so vain Nicholas is the help of any man, other than God's Trump, Jesus. When I was cast into that intrepid dream adventure now headed for nation to system ending cataclysms, it is along a wilderness of unrealizable innovations. Just as when I witnessed along a parody of when the fat lady sings, only a fat man isn't just singing, but it's the psalm to lamentations of Armageddon, it's God's restoration of the human being, one new man, marriage along the world's procreation, no male or female, just procreation. Then, only days past, there's the stampeding of elephants, it was like we'd been captured between a fork of two paths either free to take. One seemed  a busy street, of crossing with great pearl and the other was a dirt road along a wilderness, as Tiffany in the beginning, yes, and the elephants Nicholas causing a great, earthquaking ruckus of making that rebellious. This insanity of keeping yourself annoyingly aware was stampeding at casting this street of indecision along the greatest of panic to chaos, Proving everything Nicholas that's life, that's loved and treasure has one safe haven that is entrusted to Jesus, the blessed death, though they be dead, yet shall they, shall we live. Make you wonder Nicholas, Titanic's blunder, how many tossed into the rigid waters that day were the many actually saved because their pressed, horrid situation caused them to what? To stunning woman, wife, do as I did, when caught in the fisherman's net, call all the more on divine intervention which is Jesus, and sweet love you got it, or you wouldn't be here, none of us would. Which is why scripture says God chasten those he love, simply trials and tribulations cause us to reconsider our situation along that hollowed out tree of helplessness of all human life experiences Nicholas this entire planet.  Watching you sit the mirror there, grooming yourself, I want to ask, what Tiffany will having glorified bodies be like? We can only Nicholas assume as Jesus' is upon His resurrection and ascension, that when He again returned and walked with disciples for forty days of it; he was more Holy Spirit, He was like the description He gave religious leader Nicodemus. It was when he described to him the glory of being born again, is as the wind, it, they blow where it listeneth, but we can't tell from whence it come nor to where it goes. So Tiffany, it actually does mean, to be as free as the wind, coming and going at God's will, well Nicholas at our will that is as God's will. The Holy Father, Lord Israel, Lord Urusalem, where Apostle John said he witnessed seven Holy Spirits, meaning a spiritual outreach now totally complete. Now come from His Holy Trinity the tree, the branches, the vines, all Nicholas the various, constant springing up, out of new healing leaves, a blessed manifestation of phenomena love. What I was shown only a day past of meditating such things, was, just as Jesus ascended and sat down at the right hand of the father, this is until His enemies like the rebellious right now are made His Footstool. The Bride now ascended, sit to Jesus' right hand, along her preparation of reading the specialty stone alone the sounding of the seventh trumpet, it Nicholas explains why I saw what I saw when I saw her reigning there. It is the release of the stone cut out without hands, the antichrist to all world rule ever murderer, the purpose again of restoring the Genesis human being, Jesus' Millennium, God's Kingdom, reign. I see Tiffany, your dreams and visions have the Bride reigning in heaven and the antichrist and his armies totally destroyed. Only the Bride's escape, the very event Tiffany bringing all this impossible into action haven't even happened yet, well Nicholas, it only seem that way. As on your earthbound schedule that runs like thousands, upon thousand of years behind God's, hence except by truth and grace we're incapable of comprehending His thoughts and ways, You see, that's how long it's been since Apostle John heard it said of Holy Spirit and the Bride, reigning there, simply. 'come, "so all I can say Nicholas is it can't be long yet, or God forbid, His Promises and Prophecies all, we're to be counted as a mid tribulation rapture and like I said, Jesus' admonishing us to pray our escape from these end times horrors, forbid. Now, somebody I love so much is going to be late for his law class, students, ah, ten minutes in the shower and I'm right with you, wait on me? Hurry, we can have a pastry and coffee, I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying, I'm in my flash mode and you Nicholas know I can't resist that, hey, yes? As to past over her shoulder a nervous look back at him, his being flash, being in the shower by now, wasn't supposed to see this, "It just that I got fireball or a ball of fire as a word and you and I Mister are finished with bedroom conversations, okay, okay, just don't look so worried, trust thou in God, remember?" Nicholas, that dream, your dream mean, just as the huge container finishing Hussein, all men things are failed, are shattered to pieces with one Savior, only having the appearance of defeat, who is indeed the blessed, blessed Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Jesus. Look, I read somewhere that some two billion people earth wide celebrate the Christmas Holiday, now husband imagine that many rising to Christ when the Bridegroom, as the Bride cries come, just imagined." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for the Lord saith, having eyes they seeth not, ears they have but they hearth not, a heart they have but it's waxed cold, as the stone God they serve so are they. Be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

     -P. S, In Highsight of this blog, the light of Ne be we, of even it's writer, this arrival of Juttah transits and especially a Juttah Septennial bound Aqua, How the transferable Aqua is returning because Silverton Nicholas is mightily predestined. So as of this scene, I didn't, even know it, having no forethought, I only wanted a character, named Silver, who became, Silverton, Nicholas, Chow, Coogan, Liverpool.
     -I didn't know nor did I have forethought he was going to describe to inquirer Torrance one of the five dreams of the little Miya girl of come apocalypse. Ah the miraculous in stored because God Elohim so love's the world not willing that any perish, indeed, evenly, see here, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/coming-i-hear-you-please-stop-knocking.html and here http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-need-you-to-understand.html

     I have the strongest feeling, when I say to God, how doing 31 years of ministry, no one ever donated that He's going to say, well Apostle, did you ever ask? See, give, here, https://www.gofundme.com/2sew3qp7

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