Friday, December 1, 2017

Welcome My Good And Faithful Servant, The Spirit Of The Lord Is Upon You For This Reason

 -Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 11/31//2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

     -Listening To: Pentatonix, Mary Did You Know?, to Clay Aiken's, O Holy Night, and Whitney Houston's, Joy To The World,

Blessed Is He That Waiteth And Cometh To The Thousand Three Hundred and Five and Thirty Days, Daniel, 12:12.

     -All Viewers Beware, Ancient Beast, The Lion, The Leopard, The Demon Dog, All Posing In The Home As Friendly, Trusted Pets, This Unthinkable. Unsinkable Satanic to Demonic Infiltration

     -Then let me ducthsinse be a witness, there is a release and a relief unspeakably joyous that comes with being a revealer of righteousness and truth, It is a peace that surpasses all understanding I, God's Anointed, experiences it with every comment, every toll of outreach. Indefinitely it is that incomprehensible that Jesus says the world not even of it's gazillion dollars or gazillion years can give you, peace of heart, mind, path, even blood. Then if you God's armor, withstand all the evil, black wickedness that will undoubtedly come against your swords and starves of reveal, the things God has in store for His good and Faithful Servants.
     -Like Apostle Paul at limits description of the third heavens, whether in or out of his body, I've been there, I've been in the midst of celebrations beyond ever this America, this planet earth ever, ever! Even if they were abruptly brought to a screeching halt, this eerie silence in heaven, this Sunlight of God crying aloud like the days of Moses' Exodus "let my people go." Mercifully because even after six thousand years spent redeeming the Genesis Human being, Marriage, Elohim yet wasn't satisfied. Until the next you know, it's 2004 and you're looking at the Angel Gabriel here on planet earth once like Prophet Ezekiel face to face and he's lamenting something about a Seventh Angel.
     -I was there as recently, 2015, or did I ever leave as of Spring,1986 ascension? I was there whereas the Lamb's book of life was open, and the song, 'we exalt thee was sounding all around this both sweet to bitter imbibe. Sweet, that the born again written there were finally, gloriously as holy spirits being released to marriage suppers and mansions in heaven; as so come the Seventh Angel Trumpet Jesus earthly millennium, arriving with healing wings, leaves. Although, horribly duchsinse, just as so bitter, because Apostle John heard in his ear, witnessed with his eyes and no doubt sorrowed in his heart. It is that whosoever name wasn't found written in the Lamb's book of life were cast into a lake which burns with fire.
     -The only thing I will then warn you of, is that you like so many tens of millions of others, don't confuse your good, your American Dream, with God's righteousness. You must see, all those here must see, except you're born again, you're doom to the Garden of Eden's failed marriage/sick bed, beware there's Micheal Clark Duncan's wilderness of sin, of singing Armageddon. Just this outbreak of mortuary of men's cursed blood lineage right into the lost of Gethsemane's Garden, it's single blood potentate of ever interceding or reaching God's throne, of His throne, ever reaching your unbearable cross.
     -Frightfully, when Jesus/Holy Spirit dutchsinse, said, 2013, so sadly in my ear,"these people need to fall in love with God," you'll never believe he was talking about mass church assembly presently infested with serpents, beast and demons. It's Jesus standing up to the religious leaders, how they worship God with their mouth, but their hearts are far from him, destroy this temple! Of course we're then back to the garden of Gethsemane's trials where He, Christ, Lord, God manifested in the flesh after an arduous battle throughout, said yes Lord your, thine own will be done for sure and just as suddenly as a nano-second, we're gone with Him, from here.
     -Now riddle me this one question? Actually all those reading here, just the other night I had a dream whereas an outbreak of being made aware. Well it caused a horrid, horrid scene with those people yet procrastinating escaping into exodus, it was so not a pretty video nor picture. Just this manic dismay, this wicked, black dismantling of the family, so again this question, are all your elephants of rebellion; those impossible pricks to kick against; are they as those stampeding into sweet, refreshing, liberation, that alone is Christ Jesus? Then I heard in my ear, "get ye to repent altars, God is avenging martyred blood," no unredeemed flesh will, or can stand come every waking hour of Ancient Beast reign, ye must be born again, get it, get Jesus and get (ascend out of it), beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

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